
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Already over 400 missions: Heavy wasp year challenges fire brigades

Already over 400 missions: Heavy wasp year challenges fire brigades

SCHÄRDING DISTRICT. In 2024, and especially in the hot months, fire brigade operations in connection with wasps have reached an all-time high. In the Schärding district alone, 66 fire brigades had to be called out over 400 times in connection with the insects by the end of August, and in the whole of Upper Austria there were already almost 11,000 operations by the end of August. Tips spoke to Schärding’s district fire chief Johannes Veroner about the record year for wasps.

While the number of operations due to wasps was still 167 district-wide in 2023, it had already risen to 418 by the end of August this year. The number has also more than doubled this year. This extreme increase can also be seen at the state level: while there were 4,455 operations in Upper Austria in 2023, the number has already risen to 10,889 this year as of the end of August. District fire brigade commander Johannes Veroner also has an explanation for the large number of operations: “The fear of allergic reactions to wasp stings means that people tend to call the fire brigade as a precaution when they see a wasp nest.”

Accumulation in late summer and autumn

Firefighters need special equipment and training for dealing with wasps and insects. Veroner believes that it is particularly important to protect the people who have called the fire department from unnecessary panic. “Wasps are often seen as pests, but they are an important part of our ecosystem,” says the district fire chief. Wasp activity is particularly high in late summer and autumn, and this means there are more operations.

Avoid stress

Veroner also recommends that people take measures themselves to avoid being stung by wasps. “Hectic movements or waving your arms provokes the animals and increases the risk of a sting.” Therefore, you should stay calm and move slowly. Covering sweet foods and drinks can also make a big difference. This can also potentially reduce unnecessary fire service calls. “The fire service should only be entrusted with removing a wasp nest in absolute emergencies, for example in the case of allergy sufferers or when children are at risk,” adds Veroner.