
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Mother admits to editing photo with DNA test result to claim her new boyfriend is the father of her baby and not her ex

Mother admits to editing photo with DNA test result to claim her new boyfriend is the father of her baby and not her ex

A “hateful” mother has admitted doctoring an image of a DNA test result to falsely represent that her new boyfriend, not her ex, was the father of her baby, a court heard.

Georgina Saville admitted to the jury that she had doctored the photo, but said it was “obvious” that it was not a real form because she had not put “much effort” into creating it.

The 25-year-old is accused of misleading 26-year-old Kyle Fitton to prevent him from taking legal action to obtain the right to live with his children, which she described as a power move.

When Fitton’s lawyers asked her to do a DNA test, she sent them fake results in an attempt to prove that the newborn was actually the daughter of her new boyfriend, Danny Mellows.

She had initially left the “father” section on the birth certificate blank, but then went to the registry office and added Mr Mellows as the official father – even though she had previously admitted that her two girls were “full sisters”.

However, she denies that the changes and the subsequent document were intended to undermine Mr Fitton’s legal right to contact his children, but rather to persuade his lawyer to stop emailing her.

Georgina Saville, 25, is accused of misleading Kyle Fitton, 26, about the paternity of her baby in an attempt to stop him taking legal action – she is pictured outside Southampton Crown Court

Kyle Fitton

When Kyle Fitton’s lawyers asked him to take a DNA test, Saville sent them fake results, Southampton Crown Court heard. Pictured, Mr Fitton is seen outside court with his mother

During her testimony at Southampton Crown Court, Saville admitted that she had falsified the result of the DNA test.

“I changed the name to [the baby]”And Danny Mellows as the alleged father,” she said. “It was just online, I just downloaded it. It was just an online form.”

When asked, she confirmed that the document came from the Internet and that the original contained “random names with no meaning.”

She told jurors that she had slept with both Mr Fitton and Mr Mellows since March 2021 and that she believed the latter was the baby’s father “from the time of conception”.

However, when the baby was born in January 2022 and things with Mr Fitton deteriorated, she recalled receiving an email from his lawyer demanding a DNA test on the baby after she claimed it was not his.

Georgina Saville

Georgina Saville, 25, is accused of misleading her baby’s father in an attempt to stop him from taking legal action – which she described as “a tough blow”.

Jayne Fitton said in her testimony in court today that her son Kyle was “100 percent” the father

Jayne Fitton said in her testimony in court today that her son Kyle was “100 percent” the father

After taking the mock DNA test and sending it to his representatives, she said, “I didn’t want anything to happen with it other than this email exchange.”

She told the court that she was unsure whether she was even speaking to a real lawyer and that she wondered whether it was Mr Fitton or one of his friends playing a prank on her.

“I didn’t know it was a real lawyer,” she said. “I didn’t want it to go anywhere, but it happened and now I’m here.”

When asked what she wanted to achieve with the fake DNA test result, she replied: “[For the solicitor] that you stop harassing me and sending me no more emails.

“I thought she would then apply for an official DNA test in court and do things officially and not through the back door by sending me an email.”

“I didn’t think they would use my fake identity. I thought it would just be ignored, it was obvious it wasn’t real.

“I didn’t travel to the ends of the earth to produce it, I didn’t put much effort into it.”

When asked what consequences she expected, she replied: “I didn’t think about it.”

“I knew there would be a legitimate test, but I really believed that Danny [the baby]’That’s dad, so I didn’t think about it.’

She stressed that she had not intended for Mr Fitton to see her forged document and that she had no idea that it would be presented to a court or have any impact on his legal right to access to the children.

Kyle Fitton (pictured) moved out for good after Saville became pregnant with her second daughter

Kyle Fitton (pictured) moved out for good after Saville became pregnant with her second daughter

Pictured: Southampton Crown Court, where Georgina Saville's trial is taking place

Pictured: Southampton Crown Court, where Georgina Saville’s trial is taking place

When asked why she referred to her daughters as “full sisters” if she believed Mr Mellows was the father, she said she did so so that Mrs Fitton could treat her youngest as she had treated her eldest.

“I wanted Jayne to treat me. [the newborn] the same as she treats [the eldest]’ she said.

“Jayne gave us so much support that I didn’t really get from my mother, and I wanted her to get that from Jayne. I didn’t want [the newborn] to feel excluded.’

She said she saw Ms Fitton “as a sort of mother to me” and therefore considered her to be her children’s “grandmother”, regardless of the baby’s father.

Saville continued: “I didn’t believe Kyle was her father, but I wanted [her] to have that support from Jayne, that’s why I told Jayne.

“I said that to paint that picture and make myself believe it.”

When asked why she had texted Mrs Fitton saying that the next time social services came, Mr Fitton would not be the father, she replied that she had thought Mr Mellows was the father.

“I thought he was not the right father for [the baby] whatever,” she said.

“I had spoken to Jayne on the phone and expressed my concern that he was not the father anyway.

“What you don’t see here are the numerous conversations Jayne and I had on the phone.”

Saville accused Ms Fitton of cherry-picking messages, which included missing ones in which she allegedly expressed concerns about the paternity of her baby.

However, she found it difficult to explain why she had sent a message to Ms Fitton telling her that she “did not” want her son to be listed as the child’s father when, as she claims, she believes Mr Mellows is the father.

“I believed Danny was the father,” she said. She firmly believed Kyle was the father. I think I said loud and clear that Kyle is not the father.”

Prosecutor Nick Tucker had previously told the court that if the test result had been taken at face value, it “might have deterred him from pursuing the case further”.

He argued that it was a “malicious and calculated attempt to undermine his case by dishonest means.”

She denies perverting the course of justice and the rare allegation of intentionally misrepresenting a birth.

The process continues.