
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Apprenticeship in the Schärding district: These four contributed to the LehrlingsRundSchau 2024

Apprenticeship in the Schärding district: These four contributed to the LehrlingsRundSchau 2024

Four apprentices have been getting a taste of editorial life and writing articles over the last few weeks.

SCHÄRDING. From apprentices for apprentices is the motto of this special edition called LehrlingsRundSchau in September. Four apprentices from Schärdinger companies, who are actually learning completely different professions than journalism, worked on the newspaper. We introduce you to the young people in profiles. Their articles are spread throughout the edition, from the local section to business and sport. They are marked with LehrlingsRundSchau and the name of the respective author. Paul has written an article about his passion for vintage cars and gives an insight into a very special apprentice project at Leitz: the construction of a steam engine.

Lisa explains to us what makes her apprenticeship as a baker and confectioner so special. In her free time, she plays football and interviewed a fellow footballer about her goals for the season. Einböck apprentice Hannah talks about her hobby of making records at the PWV Hub. She also asked her colleague from product marketing interesting questions about his work. And do you know what a works council does exactly? Marika Schwarzmüller works council member interviewed Karl-Heinz Neulinger about this. She also talks about her work as a model for the Chamber of Commerce. Enjoy reading!

Hannah Unterberger, mechanical engineer

Training company:
Place of residence: Riedau
Change: 18 years
Year of apprenticeship: 4th year of apprenticeship
Field of activity: Final assembly, finished assembly of the machines
Favorite app: Spotify & ORF Sport
I accepted the challenge of apprentice editor because… It’s always interesting to experience something new & an experience that not everyone has.
In 10 years I want to… have a private jetty in St. Wolfgang, maybe even earlier 😉

Lisa Kitzberger, baker & confectioner

Photo: My District / Customer

Training company: Bakery Buchegger
Place of residence: Raab
Change: 17 years
Year of apprenticeship: 3rd year of apprenticeship
Areas of activity: Processing dough, grinding, dipping pastries, baking cakes
Professional goals: Final apprenticeship examination & own company
Hobbies: football
Life motto: Live in the here and now.
How did you find out about your apprenticeship? I have often shopped there myself.
In 10 years I want to… Teaching other apprentices what I was taught.

Paul Helml, mechanical engineer

Photo: My District / Customer

Training company:
Place of residence: Riedau
Change: 17 years
Year of apprenticeship: 3rd year of apprenticeship
Professional goals: Pass the final apprenticeship examination
Hobbies: Driving a car & motorcycle
Favorite app: Spotify
Favorite food: KFC
Favorite drink: Irish Cappuccino
How did you find out about your apprenticeship? Through advertising
Who or where do you get career information from? From my apprentice trainer

Marika Eschbaumer, metal and steel construction technician

Photo: My District / Customer

Training company:
Place of residence: Vichtenstein
Change: 19 years
Year of apprenticeship: 4th year of apprenticeship
Field of activity: 1. The Art of Peace
Professional goals: Final apprenticeship examination
Hobbies: Baking & Cooking
Favorite app: My Elba
Favorite food: Citizens
Favorite drink: Berry iced tea
Favorite music: Pop, Rock
Life motto: Never give up.
How did you find out about your apprenticeship? By colleagues