
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Cycling World Championships: Bernese start-up outwits cycling association UCI after warning

Cycling World Championships: Bernese start-up outwits cycling association UCI after warning


Cycling World ChampionshipsBernese start-up outwits World Cycling Federation after warning

A Bernese sports glasses company was warned by the cycling association because of a promotional campaign along the World Cup race track. Thanks to the use of an old Bernese secret language, the UCI company outwitted them.

  • The Bernese start-up “Ileve District” was warned by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI).

  • The start-up finds a creative solution to its problem.

  • Because the company name means “Velo” in Mattenenglisch – the former secret language of Bern – the silage bales were written exactly like that.

On Tuesday, the Swiss sports glasses start-up “Ileve District” received a big letter from the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the umbrella organization of the national cycling associations. A lawyer from the association contacted the young Bern-based company and accused it of “unauthorized advertising activities” in a letter.

The reason: The company creatively staged its logo on silage bales along the race track on the Zollikerberg. “The trailer is on a farmer’s private property. “We were also very surprised when we received the warning with the request to remove the logo immediately,” says Silvia Nadenbosch, co-founder of the company.


Bernese secret language

“It felt like David against Goliath,” says Nadenbosch. “We are a small company that is intimidated by the big cycling association – we’re using a cannon to kill a sparrow.” Nevertheless, it was important to her and her co-founder to be cooperative. “Unlike the UCI, we don’t have the financial means for expensive lawyers or even a legal dispute.”

The start-up has therefore fulfilled their request: instead of “Ileve”, the bales now say “Velo” – but the company still advertises its product. “Our company name ‘Ileve’ means exactly that in Mattenenglisch – an old secret language from the working-class district of Berne: Velo,” says Nadenbousch.

She is now looking forward to the last days of the Cycling World Championships and hopes for a conciliatory outcome: “Cycling is our passion, which is why we founded the start-up three years ago,” says the co-founder. Local roots are important to them – the development process takes place in Bern, the 3D printing of the frames in Appenzell. “That’s why we are proud to be represented at the Cycling World Championships – UCI warning or not.”

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