
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Do children belong in breweries? Let us know.

Do children belong in breweries? Let us know.

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A Rhode Island brewery recently (and inadvertently) sparked the debate with a “gentle reminder” to parents.

Yoon S. Byun for The Boston Globe, file

For some, there’s nothing better than sipping an IPA with friends on a perfect fall Saturday at one of New England’s seemingly millions of breweries.

  • Tree House beer is now available for pickup at the Prudential Center

  • In Massachusetts, the once thriving beer business is losing its appeal

And for some, there is nothing that could spoil this joy more than snotty-nosed children running amok or throwing tantrums in the bar.

Yes, unlike bars, breweries have become a regular home for these little angels or street urchins since the beer boom, whether you like it or not.

A Rhode Island brewery, the Proclamation Ale Company, recently had to politely remind its patrons to watch their brood—apparently after, well, childish behavior.

“This is a friendly reminder that our staff and our games are not intended to babysit your children when you bring them into the taproom,” the Warwick Brewery wrote on Facebook. “We ask that you supervise your children and stay close to them at all times and do not allow them to run around the taproom or scream loudly. Our staff should not have to search the entire taproom to find out where someone’s parents are.”

“Our arcade/pinball games and shuffleboard table are to be treated kindly and respectfully. While it may be tempting, we ask that you or your children do not press buttons on the arcade and pinball games or aggressively hurl shuffleboard pucks across the table. These games are intended for all guests, NOT just your children. Please be mindful of sharing and letting others have their turn (without harassing them).”

To be clear: The brewery, which does not allow children into its premises on Fridays and Saturdays between 7 and 10 p.m., did not want to start a discussion about a ban on children. In fact, it explicitly stated the opposite. But let’s be honest.

“I never understood why you had to hang out at a brewery with your kids…” wrote one commenter who, FWIW, apparently has kids.

“If someone brings their child to a bar, someone calls child services. I don’t know what’s different here,” another chimed in.

The brewery also asked that the conversation not drift into a dog debate. Apparently they banned dogs in 2018, but now allow them on their terrace. But here too, people couldn’t help themselves.

“I like the dogs better,” wrote one, earning lots of thumbs up and hearts.

“Dogs? Kids? Alcohol problems? Bottom line: If you’re in a public place, keep your cool and pull yourself together. Simple,” said another.

“Can we require them to be kept on a leash?” someone asked, turning to the children for clarification.

The debate – possibly intergenerational – is certainly not limited to the Proclamation. For example, one commenter compared Bissell Brothers in Portland, Maine, to a “daycare center,” and another noted that it is across the street from the Children’s Museum.

So what do you think, do children belong in breweries? And dogs? Let us know your thoughts by filling out the form below or emailing us at [email protected].