
topicnews · September 27, 2024

The defending champion Ceratonia Volleys Eltmann starts the new season against Dresden

The defending champion Ceratonia Volleys Eltmann starts the new season against Dresden

Photo: Ceratonia Volleys Eltmann

After the last picture-perfect season, the volleyball players from Eltmann, who are competing in the Second Volleyball Bundesliga for the first time this year under the name “Ceratonia Volleys Eltmann”, would like to seamlessly build on the outstanding form of the previous season and start the new one with a win against Dresden Start round. Even though most of the faces will still look familiar to the fans, spectators can look forward to one or two new faces both on and off the pitch. “With Peki, we have of course lost one of the top performers.” Nevertheless, I believe that we can rely on a very balanced squad this year and can compensate for the departure with our new additions. Overall, we are a little broader and, above all, younger this year, which will certainly help in such a long and strenuous season. “We have also been able to gain an old friend, Marco Donat, as a coach who knows exactly how to integrate the youngsters and form them into a homogeneous team,” says manager Felix Reschke.

The Ceratonia Volleys had their first assessment of their position last weekend. As part of a strong preparatory tournament, the absolute championship favorites from Rottenburg were also guests, as was the top team from Kriftel. In two exciting duels under competitive conditions, the team from Eltmann ultimately had the upper hand, confirmed the strong form of last season and was able to win by the narrowest possible margin of 2-1. “Of course, the preparation tournament was a perfect opportunity to try out different formations and moves.” Even though not everything works 100 percent, I am more than satisfied with the boys’ performance. Of course, it is now even more difficult for me to decide who I should field against Dresden on Saturday, as every single player has provided relevant arguments. “If you look at it that way, it is of course an absolute luxury problem and I am sure that the broad and balanced squad as well as the competitive situation in all positions is one of our biggest advantages and can give us the decisive advantage in close games.” Marco Donat about the enormous qualities of his team.

In the final training sessions, the defending champion will now work on fine-tuning and prepare mentally and physically for the young opponent from Dresden. “We are in good shape and want to really give it our all this week so that we can really get the hall going again this weekend.” It is extremely important for us that we can inspire the fans in the first game can infect them with our enthusiasm. Without the loud support, we would certainly have lost a game or two at home last season and every single spectator played a very special part in the success of the championship. “We want to continue exactly where we belong and would like to thank the spectators for their great support with spectacular volleyball and a unified team performance,” says captain Johannes Engeln, underlining the importance of their own fans.

Anyone who would like to see for themselves at the weekend how the reigning champions of the Second Volleyball Bundesliga are starting the new season is warmly invited next Saturday. As always, the season opener kicks off at 7:30 p.m. in the Eltmann Georg Schäfer Hall. As in the previous season, physical well-being, cool drinks and delicious snacks are provided in abundance. In addition to absolute top-class sport on the field, this year the “Black Diamonds” cheerleaders will once again provide spectacular action and breathtaking highlights in the time-outs and set breaks, so that every spectator should get their money’s worth. There will also be a live stream again for the local fans of the Eltmann volleyball players. The club will announce details and details on the well-known social networks in the coming days.