
topicnews · September 27, 2024

The hot drink stimulates your metabolism so much

The hot drink stimulates your metabolism so much

Whether in the morning to wake up, on a coffee date with a friend or during a break at work: coffee is part of everyday life for many people – but did you know that you can use coffee to lose weight? Not only does it stimulate your metabolism, the caffeine can also support weight loss. Here are the best tips for coffee diet success!

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In the clip: 5 tricks for real coffee lovers

Coffee, caffeine & Co: This is how coffee works in your body

Whether as a wake-up call, just for enjoyment or as a morning ritual – the daily cup of coffee is part of everyday life for many people. The drink is one of the most researched foods and more and more scientific studies are being published on it.

Caffeine penetrates the blood-brain barrier and thus reaches the brain, where it acts on the central nervous system works. It has a similar structure to the body’s own messenger substance adenosine. This signals tiredness to the body. Adenosine also occupies and activates certain receptors and thus influences the effect and release of stimulating substances such as dopamine and norepinephrine. Caffeine acts as an antagonist here; it occupies the adenosine receptors but does not activate them. This is why coffee works fatigue and wakes us up. It increases mental performance and reaction time.

However, caffeine has a negative effect on the Sleep quality and can lead to difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and difficulty staying asleep. Therefore, avoid caffeinated drinks in the late afternoon and evening. Caffeine also stimulates the release of the Stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol a. You’re probably familiar with the nervousness after drinking one too many cups of coffee: your heart suddenly beats faster, your pulse and your blood pressure rise.

In addition, caffeine is considered mild painkiller. It is used in some medications because it slightly constricts blood vessels and can therefore help relieve headaches and migraines. Furthermore, caffeine stimulates the Kidney function and therefore has a slightly diuretic effect.

By the way: If your coffee is too bitter for you, try adding salt to your coffee – we’ll tell you what’s behind it. And if you need a change, colder tea is also suitable for losing weight. And Stiftung Warentest has tested which types of coffee from the discounter are the best. Also: This is what happens when you drink coffee every day.

Coffee for weight loss: This is how the drink helps

Coffee can help you lose weight in a number of ways. Here are some of the popular drink’s key effects:

Coffee supports fat burning

Caffeine stimulates death Lipolysis in the body. This means that after consuming caffeine, more fatty acids are released from fatty tissue in the short term. That doesn’t mean that you can safely eat anything after drinking coffee without gaining weight. Because if the body already gets enough energy from food, it uses the extra Fatty acids not as an energy source. Therefore, no fat breakdown occurs and the fatty acids are stored again in the fatty tissue after the caffeine effect has worn off. From this it can be concluded that coffee is suitable for losing weight because it promotes fat burning. However, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and do plenty of exercise at the same time.

Coffee stimulates your metabolism

After drinking coffee, the body temperature can rise briefly because caffeine causes the so-called facultative thermogenesisheat-producing processes in the cells. Due to a faster metabolism, nutrients in food are utilized more quickly. This increases fat burning and calorie consumption – even when resting.

Coffee promotes digestion

A coffee or espresso after a meal speeds up digestion. All coffee lovers know this digestive effect and often feel the urge to empty their intestines after drinking coffee. Researchers found that coffee… Stimulates the intestines to contract. Therefore, coffee is suitable for losing weight and as a home remedy for constipation.

Coffee serves as an appetite suppressant

Coffee reduces this for a short time Feeling hungrysince he is the distribution of Cholecystokinin stimulated. This hormone, which is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, influences the feeling of satiety and can help you temporarily feel less hungry and therefore consume fewer calories. However, this effect is short-lived. Cholecystokinin does not cause a lasting inhibition of calorie intake. This effect alone is not enough if you want to lose weight in the long term.

Coffee as a booster for sports and training

There are a number of studies on the effects of caffeine on athletic performancehowever, the results were different. It appears that caffeine supports athletic performance under certain conditions. Coffee, for example, inhibits the enzyme Phosphodiesterase (PDE). When you exercise, your body releases activity hormones such as norepinephrine and adrenaline. These activate the messenger substance cAMP, which causes death increases muscle activity. This increases energy consumption. However, cAMP is inhibited by the enzyme PDE. Caffeine, in turn, suppresses PDE and cAMP remains active. This means energy continues to be consumed.

By the way: Caffeine has been off the Olympic Committee’s doping list since 2004.

In addition to caffeine, this is also the case niacinAnother ingredient in coffee is said to have a muscle-activating effect. It quickly enters the blood and is used for cellular respiration.

In the video: These three foods help fight fatigue better than coffee

Coffee as a calorie trap – you should pay attention to this

Drinking your coffee with milk, cream or sugar will quickly lead to one high calorie intake. A latte macchiato, for example, contains approximately 128 calories. If you drink several cups of coffee with milk and sugar, the calories add up quite a bit. If you’re drinking coffee to lose weight, it’s important to keep the drink as low in calories as possible. It’s best to drink your coffee black because it doesn’t contain any calories. If it tastes too bitter for you, you can enjoy it with a splash of low-fat milk or plant-based milk without added sugar. If you like sugar in drinks, choose birch sugar. This contains: 40 percent fewer calories than conventional household sugar and also stimulates digestion.

Coffee recipe ideas for weight loss

There are many different ways to incorporate coffee into a healthy diet and use it to help you lose weight. Here are some ideas for coffee recipes:

Bulletproof coffee: This drink is a combination of coffee, MCT oil (for example coconut oil) and butter. This coffee for weight loss is said to provide energy, boost metabolism and increase fat burning. This makes it a popular drink for anyone who wants to lose weight. Butter coffee is particularly popular among people following a paleo, low-carb, or keto diet. Many people also drink it in the morning during intermittent fasting in order to go longer without eating or use it as a breakfast substitute. You can read how to prepare the coffee in the article “Butter Coffee”.

Coldbrew coffee: This drink comes with cold water Manufactured and has an extraction time of at least twelve hours. The coffee is therefore less bitter and contains less acid and tastes really fruity and refreshing – perfect for hot summer days. You can also enjoy it with a splash of almond milk or a sweetener like stevia for a low-calorie alternative to latte.

Coffee with lemon: The coffee-lemon combination has a double effect on metabolism and fat burning. Both coffee and lemon are considered Appetite suppressant. The drink is said to additionally relieve headaches. To do this, simply add the juice of half a lemon to your cup of black coffee.

Green coffee: This is a coffee that comes from Raw coffee beans Is manufactured. It contains less caffeine, but more Chlorogenic acid as roasted coffee. Therefore, green coffee tastes much more sour. The substance is also said to prevent the absorption of sugar in the intestines and regulate blood sugar levels. Some even believe that green coffee can prevent diabetes. However, these effects of green coffee have not been scientifically proven.

Proffee: The mixture of protein and coffee is ideal for losing weight. The combination can support your metabolism. Protein also has a higher thermic effect than carbohydrates or fats, meaning the body spends more energy on digestion, which can slightly increase calorie needs.

Does the coffee diet really make you slim?

There is a lot of evidence that coffee is good for weight loss because it can help the body lose weight. However, further studies are needed to confirm this. Please note that coffee alone does not lead to weight loss, but only in combination with a nutritious and balanced diet, lots of exercise and enough sleep has its effect on diet and health.

When is it recommended to drink coffee?

In order to benefit from the stimulating stimulating effect of coffee, experts recommend drinking it as early as possible an hour after waking up to drink. To help you lose weight, you can enjoy a cup of coffee with or after meals to get your digestion going. But avoid coffee in the second half of the day so that your sleep doesn’t suffer.

Take the drink not on an empty stomach to you because it can irritate your stomach. Researchers at the University of Bath in the UK have also found that black coffee drunk before breakfast increases blood sugar levels by up to 50 percent. High blood sugar can lead to various symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain and fatigue. It also promotes the development of insulin resistance and, as a result, diabetes.

Good to know: Clean the coffee machine with home remedies