
topicnews · September 27, 2024

The Day Before makers are suddenly back and want to finance their next game with your money

The Day Before makers are suddenly back and want to finance their next game with your money

The Day Before was released in disastrous condition after a misleading marketing campaign.

The Day Before was released in disastrous condition after a misleading marketing campaign.

Hard to believe, but obviously true: Despite the incredible disaster that was The Day Before and everything around it, the makers behind it want to know again. Fntastic was actually closed immediately after the gigantic debacle, but is now back.

On the positive side, they apologize for The Day Before and vow to do better. However, the fact that she is immediately asked for money and support again leaves a bitter aftertaste.

The Day Before makers are back and want your money, but be careful!

Do you remember The Day Before? What quickly looked too good to be true in the first trailers ended up not being an impressive survival MMO, but rather an absolute catastrophe. The game was in such bad condition that all buyers without exception got their money back, whether they wanted it or not.

Whether the whole thing was legally correct or fraud was just incompetence is discussed in this GameStar talk video, among other things. Curiously, the people behind the game have even spoken out with a bizarre statement about an alleged hate campaign against them and feel they have been treated unfairly.

Much more to thatYou can see and hear what happened here:

The true story of The Day Before
The true story of The Day Before

Start video


The true story of The Day Before

But back to the topic: With this refresher in mind, it sounds doubly daring that these very people now seem to be back again. They actually want to reopen their already closed studio and are apparently already working on two new games.

The only thing missing is – of course – your money. Fntastic should not only give her a second chance, but also give her as much money as possible.

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We strongly advise against: Given everything that’s happened around The Day Before alone, we wouldn’t recommend anyone give the people behind it one single jaded damn. No matter what they promise for their next games, we would exercise the utmost caution and, if anything, only buy anything if it is actually finished, good and as advertised.

What kind of games are these? Firstly, there is Escape Factory, a co-op title in which you have to escape from deadly factories with a party of 4 to 8 players. You can already watch the whole thing on Steam, download it as a free demo and, above all, support it here on Kickstarter if you really haven’t learned anything. 15 poor souls have already thrown 370 euros down Fntastic’s throat. (Status: upon release of the article)

Then, according to the new, official and surprisingly extensive Fntastic website, there will also be an unannounced game in development. This is supposedly an “innovative” title that is in the “Prop Hunt genre”. Well, if that doesn’t sound like a remake of the game, Fntastic did that before The Day Before.

Is this really the studio? It could just be someone else and somehow it wouldn’t surprise us. However, people here swear like hell that they are still the same (although there is no trace of the two founders on the “About Us” page), that they have changed and that they would now do everything completely differently.

For example, there will now be no need for “volunteers”, as they were probably used in The Day Before. Fntastic even apologized again for The Day Before. Why don’t they just start a new studio with a fresh name and no dubious past?remains a mystery.

Are you giving Fntastic a second chance despite The Day Before? What do you think of this comeback?