
topicnews · September 27, 2024

Why traditional methods are no longer sustainable

Why traditional methods are no longer sustainable

As automation and artificial intelligence reshape industries, the education system faces an urgent need for transformation

The growing controversy surrounding entrance exams, particularly in relation to paper leaks, has highlighted the need for reforms in our education and assessment systems. One obvious solution is to move to computer-based exams, which have already been implemented for major tests like JEE Mains, BITSAT and CAT. In these exams, questions are randomly generated and distributed across different nodes at the same time, effectively preventing paper leaks. In addition, the option of instant grading offers transparency. Conducting such exams several times a year could also alleviate the enormous pressure that students face.

But while testing methodology is a critical discussion, it is equally important to re-evaluate the foundations of our education system. The questions “why teach,” “what to teach,” “how to teach,” “how to evaluate,” and “why evaluate” should be at the heart of this debate.

Oscar Wilde once remarked: “Education is an admirable thing, but nothing worth learning can be taught.” This statement reflects the current state of education. Our system typically follows a unified model that assumes 60 students in a classroom are learning the same material at the same pace and, more importantly, enjoying it.

Rote learning, which dominates the Indian education system, is a clear indicator of how outdated the approach has become, especially in the age of artificial intelligence. Until 2011, CBSE even offered typing as a subject, reflecting how outdated parts of the curriculum have become. The pressure on students has reached a peak, leading to alarmingly high suicide rates among those preparing for entrance exams. Many students start preparing for entrance exams like IITs as early as ninth grade, which affects their childhood and overall development.

Every person is unique and every human brain works differently. Despite advances in pedagogy – the science of learning – we continue to pursue an archaic, standardized approach aimed at mass producing education. The original purpose of mass education was to prepare individuals for the profession. However, automation and AI are now poised to eliminate many of these jobs. Technological advances mean that certain skills quickly become obsolete.

Many young professionals are now employed in the areas of app and web development, tasks that can now be taken over by generative AI systems such as ChatGPT. These systems can create apps or websites based on simple prompts. Additionally, with tools like generative AI, anyone has the potential to become a writer, artist, musician, or programmer, dramatically reducing the skills gaps that once existed between experts and beginners.

The most important skill of the future will therefore not be the ability to perform a specific task, but the ability to continually learn and adapt. In an ever-changing world, much of the knowledge we acquire either becomes irrelevant or needs to be updated frequently.

Education should not be viewed as a one-time investment in the first years of life. Instead, learning should be recognized as a lifelong journey. The degree you earn early in your career may no longer matter halfway through your career.

Traditional degrees that were once critical to securing jobs may become less important in the coming years. For example, many software developers learn to code on online platforms like Coursera rather than in formal university programs. The way companies evaluate applicants is also evolving. Resumes are increasingly being replaced by portfolio reviews where individuals can showcase their skills and creativity.

The impact of AI on education is already evident. Last year, ChatGPT made headlines by passing the US medical licensing exam, law school exam, and Google’s coding exam. This has sparked debates about whether AI tools should be banned in educational institutions. Nassim Taleb recently commented on this, saying: “Passing ChatGPT is not a reflection of ChatGPT, but of the examination system.” The main purpose of education should not be to test students by limiting their resources, but rather to test them to prepare to solve real-world problems using all available tools. A calculator, for example, is a common tool that is allowed in many international exams but is still restricted in some Indian exam boards like CBSE. Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize education by creating personalized lesson plans and assessments. Virtual tutors that provide real-time feedback are already available through platforms like Khan Academy and Duolingo. The future of education lies in learning that is seamlessly integrated into everyday life and supported by mentors rather than traditional teachers.

(The author is founder and founder of NeuroEquilibrium; views are personal)