
topicnews · September 27, 2024

Harris has received support from former leading Republicans

Harris has received support from former leading Republicans

Three “No” from Maine: Three former Republican chairmen turn against Donald Trump and strongly support Kamala Harris.

The most important thing in brief

  • Three former Republican chairmen in the US state of Maine are supporting Democrat Kamala Harris in the US election.

  • In a newspaper commentary you accuse Donald Trump of wanting to divide the country.

  • However, Maine only has four electoral votes in the November presidential election.

They don’t want their candidate Donald Trump to win the race: Three former Republican chairmen in the US state of Maine are supporting the Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Robert AG Monks, Ken Cole and Ted O’Meara make it clear in an op-ed in the Bangor Daily News Another Trump presidency that we believe would make the world a more dangerous place.

“We ran ours at a time when candidates from both parties were not only polite and believed in the rule of law, but also, we believe, above all else.” the well-being of the state and the entire nation was at hearteven if we had different opinions on political issues,” the three write. “These positive qualities are clearly evident in Vice President Harris and her candidacy. Unfortunately, they were completely absent from her opponent, former President Donald Trump.

“Trump will divide”

Trump’s only goal appears to be to divide people across the country, within their communities, families and circles of friends, the text says. Harris is “cooperative and capable” and unlike Trump, “determined to bring people together.”

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The trio also criticized Trump for not giving a clear answer to the question of whether he wanted Ukraine to win in the war against Russia during the TV duel on September 10th. Trump had said: “I want the war to stop. I want to save lives.” Monks, Cole and O’Meara write that Trump is pandering Dictators“, such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

The key question in the fall election will be whether a majority of Maine people will vote for an America that believes in free and fair elections, defends personal freedoms such as women’s right to choose and adequate health care, and a tax system supported, where everyone pays their fair share. “Or Will they fall for Trump’s election lies, endangering our personal freedoms even more and enable tax and trade policies that hurt Maine workers.

Trio speaks of “Trump cult”

In addition, the former regional chairs took a swipe at the entire Republican Party in their letter, claiming that much of the party leadership had “joined the Trump cult.”

However, it is questionable whether the text will have an influence on the election. Maine, which borders Canada and is located in the extreme northeast of the USA, is not one of the important “swing states”. These are states in the political center that in past elections have sometimes voted for one party and sometimes for the other and are the tip of the scales. Since 1992, Democrats have always had the lead in elections in Maine. Maine also only has four electoral votes.