
topicnews · September 28, 2024

Charly Hübner’s film about Element of Crime can also be seen in Neubrandenburg

Charly Hübner’s film about Element of Crime can also be seen in Neubrandenburg

The actor Charly Hübner once again went behind the camera and directed a film about the band “Element of Crime”. The film will be released in cinemas on October 1st under the title “When it gets dark and cold in Berlin”.

Accompanied the band for a week

It will be shown throughout Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania for its premiere in Rostock in the CineStar Capitol at 8:15 p.m. and in Neubrandenburg’s CineStar at 7:50 p.m. The band members, who have been making music for almost 40 years, were on tour for a week in the summer of 2023. The film not only shows different concert locations, but a journey through their own stories and memories.

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It’s about music, friendship, an attitude towards the world and the secret of making music together for 40 years. Element of Crime is considered the best-known unknown or least known band in the German-speaking world. What kind of artists are these? How did they get to this, what are they? Director Charly Hübner explores these questions with great sensitivity, as can be found in the press release. The tour through Berlin was organized specifically for this purpose and takes the musicians through venues that can represent the band’s development over decades.