
topicnews · September 28, 2024

Police officer hit who ‘beat up teenage girl’ fired | Great Britain | News

Police officer hit who ‘beat up teenage girl’ fired | Great Britain | News

A police officer, it has emerged, was fired after a misconduct panel found he had abused a child on multiple occasions by slapping her bare bottom.

A misconduct hearing which concluded on Friday 27 September 2024 heard that PC Ross Benson, assigned to the Met Police North West Basic Command Unit, breached the standard of professional conduct in relation to discreditable conduct at the level of committed gross misconduct.

He was dismissed without notice.

The misconduct hearing panel, chaired by an independent chair, investigated allegations that PC Benson beat a girl aged between 12 and 13 between April 2018 and August 2018 and these had a sexual element.

The girl was known to him and the beatings took place when he was not on duty.

It was also revealed that PC Benson was arrested by Bedfordshire Police on November 6, 2020 on suspicion of sexual assault. In September 2021 he was informed that no further action would be taken.

In criminal prosecutions, the burden of proof must be met “beyond a reasonable doubt,” whereas cases of misconduct are handled at the lower civil burden of proof “on the balance of probabilities.”

The CPS and Bedfordshire Police have been contacted for comment on the criminal investigation.

However, Bedfordshire Police contacted the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards about the allegations and launched a misconduct investigation.

Detective Superintendent Will Lexton-Jones, acting commander of the North West Basic Command Unit, said: “My thoughts are first and foremost with the victim who showed courage in reporting this.” PC Benson’s abhorrent behavior has contributed to his immediate dismissal, a decision which I fully support.

“I hope this result demonstrates how we root out those who do not meet the high standards we demand of our officers.”

Following the hearing, PC Benson will now be placed on the College of Policing’s barred list. Those on the list must not be employed by the police, local police authorities (PCCs), the Independent Office for Police Conduct or His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services.

It is the latest in an extensive list of misconduct cases and prosecutions of current and former Met Police officers for sexual crimes and gross misconduct.

The cases ranged from serial rapes to inappropriate behavior by officers towards younger colleagues.

It is part of a major police clean-up operation by Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley following the shocking abduction, rape and murder of Sarah Everard by acting officer Wayne Couzens in March 2021.

He was sentenced to life in prison after admitting the crimes later that year.