
topicnews · September 28, 2024

CSD in Görlitz and Zgorzelec: Investigations into right-wing slogans at a counter-demonstration

CSD in Görlitz and Zgorzelec: Investigations into right-wing slogans at a counter-demonstration

In Görlitz and Zgorzelec, around 700 people have been celebrating Christopher Street Day since midday. So far, the police’s initial assessments have remained relatively calm. There were no violent clashes between counter-demonstrators and CSD participants. However, the police have since stopped the counter-meeting after the participants shouted an anti-constitutional slogan. The police spokesman said an investigation had been started into the incident.

The CSD participants were drawn in a colorful train from the train station through the city across the border to Poland. The final stop was Elisabethplatz, where there will be a rally and a festival in the afternoon. At the CSD, people on both sides of the border are demanding equal rights and a safe life for all queer people. Some politicians have also announced their coming. Saxony’s Economics Minister Michael Dulig (SPD) is also among the speakers.

Large police presence secures CSD

Because of the counter-demonstration and feared disruptions, the police are on site with numerous emergency services from the Görlitz police department as well as the riot police and federal police. You want to ensure a peaceful outcome, so a police spokesman.

German and Polish right-wing extremists had called on social networks to disrupt the CSD. According to the police, around 460 people took part in the counter-protest. A direct meeting between the two gatherings has so far been prevented. “The two elevators were sent on the route with a time delay. First the CSD and then the counter-protest,” explained a police spokesman.

Christopher Street Day
Christopher Street Day takes place every year in many cities around the world and commemorates events on June 28, 1969: police stormed the New York gay and lesbian bar “Stonewall Inn” on Christopher Street, triggering protests by gays that lasted for several days , lesbians and transsexuals. The CSD is intended to remind people of the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, intersex and queer people.

More information to follow.