
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Neunkirchen district: Driving school test with the ex-police chief

Neunkirchen district: Driving school test with the ex-police chief

Herbert Kostal passed his driving test in 1979. As it turns out, computer testing is very different today.

NEUNKIRCHEN/DISTRICT. Retired Neunkirchen city police commander Herbert Kostal went back to driving school (Bognar). He made himself available as a testimonial for this part of the “Fahr mit” series.

Kostal took the computer exam, which consisted of police and technical questions. A big difference from 1979, when Kostal took his “real” driving test. Back then, the questions came from a flesh-and-blood examiner. Is the computer test harder? Driving school boss Michaela Bognar: “More difficult… it’s definitely different. Many learner drivers have a problem reading meaningfully.” A source of error from which even long-term driving license holders (and police officers) are not immune. Kostal should also notice this.

“You definitely have to be fully concentrated, read the questions very carefully and some of them are worded a bit confusingly.”
Herbert Kostal

A look into the engine compartment – ​​always important when taking a driving test.

The ex-city police chief: “Some of the questions and the pictures are confusing.” For example, the multi-purpose strips look different depending on the exam question. Kostal was also surprised that a strip next to the road with a recorded bike counted as a multi-purpose strip and not as a cycle path. A question about an intersection situation in which a tractor was standing at a stop sign was just as tricky. Because according to the solution, the waiver rule applied here. “How does that work… he has a stop sign and therefore no priority anyway,” said Kostal, puzzled.

“When it comes to computer testing, the result cannot be the fault of the examiner.”
Michaela Bognar

Driving school boss Michaela Bognar.

80 percent has to be right

Anyone who answers 80 percent of the questions correctly has passed the theoretical part of the exam. However, this cannot be achieved straight away without conscientious preparation, as Bognar knows from her many years of experience. Conclusion: Former city police chief Herbert Kostal also had some room for improvement in the test. But he is sure: “If you take the test two or three times, you’ve got it. It’s important that you know the traffic signs and can estimate when, for example, you can and don’t want to overtake.”

Next time: Accident hotspots in the Neunkirchen district and the hot topic of radar measurements.

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