
topicnews · September 29, 2024

In 19 professions: record number of new apprentices at Wiener Stadtwerke

In 19 professions: record number of new apprentices at Wiener Stadtwerke

225 new apprentices have started a new apprenticeship at Wiener Stadtwerke. This is more than ever before in the history of municipal operations. They learn their craft in 19 different professions.

VIENNA. Teaching at the City of Vienna is diverse. This also applies to the 225 apprentices who were recently congratulated on their choice of apprentice by Mayor Michael Ludwig, Stadtwerke City Councilor Peter Hanke (both SPÖ) and Stadtwerke General Director Peter Weinelt in the Sophiensälen. The young people are trained in 19 different professions.

“With over two million residents, we are busier than ever. This means that Wiener Stadtwerke will become even more important in many areas. For you this means: you are part of this growth from the beginning. You will learn careers that are crucial for the future of the city. I am convinced: There has never been a better time to start an apprenticeship at Wiener Stadtwerke,” assured City Councilor Hanke.

In contrast to the previous year, the proportion of apprentices at the Stadtwerke Group increased by five percent. This set a new record. The apprentices pursue different careers, such as electrical engineering, track construction technology or mechanical engineering technology.

The city boss Ludwig also assures us that skilled workers are being trained for Vienna’s future. “Accepting training at Wiener Stadtwerke means getting involved in top training. They ensure that Vienna will continue to be the most livable city in the world. And yes, that will make the city even more livable: you will lead Vienna to climate neutrality.”

Teaching with perspective

Anyone who works for the city of Vienna has a secure job, says General Director Weinelt, an important argument for the next generation. There are also a variety of different perspectives: “We not only offer you in-depth training in exciting future careers, but also the opportunity to actively participate in shaping our city and on important social issues such as climate protection and digitalization,” says Weinelt.

The Wiener Linien also belongs to the Wiener Stadtwerke. | Photo: Johannes Zinner/Wiener Linien

There is the possibility of combining the apprenticeship with the Matura. Most of them stay with Wiener Stadtwerke after completing their apprenticeship, those responsible assure us. The overall acceptance rate after completing the apprenticeship is 80 percent. The aim is still to increase the proportion of female apprentices. At the moment it is 30 percent, an increase to 50 percent is desired.

Applications for fall 2025

Anyone who would like to start an apprenticeship at Wiener Stadtwerke can already apply for an apprenticeship in autumn 2025. A total of 235 young talents in 20 professions are being sought for 2025. This also includes the new apprenticeship in district heating technology.

The proportion of female apprentices is to be increased significantly. (archive photo) | Photo: Thomas Jantzen/Wiener Linien

The Wiener Stadtwerke include Wien Energie, Wiener Netze, Wiener Linien, Wiener Lokalbahnen, Wipark as well as Burial Vienna and Cemeteries Vienna. Applicants with a high school diploma can complete an IT apprenticeship at Wiener Linien in three years and combine it with a related part-time course of study at a university. Applications are possible at

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