
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Houses set on fire, raced into shops: many seriously injured, including children

Houses set on fire, raced into shops: many seriously injured, including children

Two fires broke out in quick succession in Essen, and a little later a man drove a van into two stores. 31 people were injured, eight of them seriously. Two small children are in mortal danger due to smoke inhalation.

A suspect has been arrested. “He is a 41-year-old Syrian from Essen,” said a police spokesman. He is a suspect in relation to the two fires. He is also assured that he drove a delivery truck in two stores. Nothing could yet be said about the background or his motives.

Police officers stand with residents in front of a residential building after a fire in Essen. picture alliance/dpa | Markus Gayk

Police officers stand with residents in front of a residential building after a fire in Essen.

Essen: Two fires broke out on Saturday evening

The fires broke out in quick succession on Saturday in two houses in the Altenessen and Stoppenberg districts. The fire brigade had to get people out of the houses to safety, some of them using ladders. A large number of rescue workers were deployed. The last ones were looked after by the emergency services and some were taken to hospital, said the police spokesman.

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The 41-year-old is also suspected of driving a van into two stores. According to current information, no one was injured, said the police spokesman. The man was arrested near these two shops.

Videos show man with machete

The spokesman did not want to comment on reports that the man had threatened someone with a knife and a machete. In this context, videos from social networks are currently being evaluated. “They are currently being viewed and checked to see to what extent they are related to the crime, to what extent this is the suspect and what exactly the background is,” said the spokesman. (dpa/mp)