
topicnews · September 29, 2024

National Council election – trend forecast before the end of the election: FPÖ is ahead – politics

National Council election – trend forecast before the end of the election: FPÖ is ahead – politics

Vienna (dpa) – According to a trend forecast, the right-wing FPÖ is in first place in the parliamentary elections in Austria. Party leader Herbert Kickl’s right-wing populists could expect 27.5 percent of the vote, according to the forecast, which was prepared on behalf of the broadcaster ServusTV. This would make the FPÖ the strongest force in the National Council for the first time in Austria’s post-war history.

The fluctuation range in this forecast is 2.8 percent. The data was collected on Sunday and in the last days before the election in surveys conducted by the OGM Institute.

Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s conservative ÖVP is in second place with 25.5 percent and is therefore within the fluctuation range of the FPÖ forecast, followed by the social democratic SPÖ with 21 percent. According to the forecast, the Greens, who have formed a coalition government with the ÖVP over the past five years, are at 9.5 percent, while the liberal Neos are also at 9.5 percent.

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