
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Joy Reid was angry after covering up for criminal aliens

Joy Reid was angry after covering up for criminal aliens

Friday’s edition of “The ReidOut” noted that MSNBC’s late-night race-baiting program was a “top example of state media propaganda” that provides cover for thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of murder.

Despite corporate media exposure and flawed statistical assumptions, the fact that violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants could not be committed against U.S. citizens unless they lived in the U.S. was obvious.

However, as data was released showing that hundreds of thousands of convicted criminals who had entered the United States had not yet been removed, MSNBC’s Joy Reid spread claims of “fascist rhetoric” from former President Donald Trump ensuring public safety wanted.

Reid pointed to distorted FBI statistics about a decline in violent crime reports and a decline in illegal border crossings that ignored the number of parolees, asylum seekers and other designations used by the Biden-Harris administration, claiming: “… everything you hear about the right wing.” The fact that the media suggests otherwise is a lie. There is no wave of migrant crime.”

Accusing Trump of “intensifying the rhetoric” before herself claiming that a second administration under the GOP leader would be “a Hitler dictatorship,” the social media account MAZE argued Reid’s position “should be considered in the future.” Top example of state media to be examined.” Propaganda. The level of deception and manipulation contained in these two minutes is remarkable.”

More than 13,000 illegal aliens reportedly entered the country with murder convictions, while nearly 16,000 more were convicted of sexual assault, according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Overall, ICE data showed that over 425,000 criminal illegal aliens have been convicted and over 222,000 more have charges pending.

The fact that most Americans agreed with Trump that a secure border was critical and that the mass deportation of illegal immigrants was an essential part of national security led Reid to resort to projections.

“A majority of voters say they trust Trump more to handle the border. “A man who doesn’t know the difference between political asylum and a mental asylum and who plans to deport every immigrant would send our economy into free fall because fear, whether real or irrational, can be a powerful political tactic,” she previously argued He added: “The question for America now is whether we have reached the point where we will destroy our own economy and willingly march into a Hitler dictatorship out of fear that Donald Trump and his MAGA cronies will only add to theirs maintain one’s own political advantage.”

While a significant number of reactions found Reid completely unwatchable, those who bothered to listen to her latest rant were astonished, if not surprised, at the effort made to propagandize on behalf of the Democratic Party and the establishment that maintains control in Washington, DC and beyond; The same characters who often pick up their pearls because of “misinformation.”

As one person in particular noted, “I grew up during the Cold War and we always laughed at the ridiculous shit that Pravda (USSR state media) put out. “Compared to our current media, they were amateurs.”


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Kevin Haggerty
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