
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Court declares the word “Jew” to be discriminatory » latinapress news

Court declares the word “Jew” to be discriminatory » latinapress news

The Argentine judiciary has declared a meaning of the word “Jew” entered in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Languages ​​(RAE) to be discriminatory. The Jewish Congress of Latin America announced this to the EFE news agency on Thursday (26). The Federal Criminal Court “Juzgado Criminal y Correccional Federal N° 12 -Secretaría Nº 24” ordered the RAE to delete the fifth meaning of the word “judío/a” “immediately”, in which the word is used as “a term for a person: greedy or “usurious” is defined, although the dictionary makes it clear that its use is “insulting or discriminatory.” According to the ruling, which comes from a joint lawsuit filed by the CJL, the Delegation of Argentine Israelite Associations (DAIA) and the Association of Jewish Lawyers of the Argentine Republic (AAJRA), this meaning constitutes “hate speech that calls for discrimination on religious grounds.” . The court orders the National Communications Agency to temporarily block access to the definition of “Jew” until the RAE complies with the order.

“Jewish communities have tried for years to engage in dialogue with the RAE to change the anti-Semitic content of its definition, but the only response we received only made the situation worse.” “Faced with this situation, we felt compelled to to take legal action,” said Claudio Epelman, director of the CJL, in a statement accompanying the communiqué. Jorge Knoblovits, president of the DAIA, pointed out that the existence of this meaning is “a worrying and denounced fact” because, in his opinion, it “perpetuates anti-Semitism.” The CJL communiqué was supported by the request for amendment from the Organization of American States (OAS), the Argentine Foreign Ministry, the National Institute for Human Rights (INADI), the Uruguayan Ombudsman and Miguel Ángel Moratinos, UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations , supports.

The “Real Academia Española” (Royal Spanish Academy) is the leading institution for the cultivation of the Spanish language. It was founded in 1713 and publishes several dictionaries, a grammar and an orthographic rule book and important sources on the history of the Spanish language. Their specifications are binding in school lessons and official use in Spain and the Spanish-speaking countries of America.

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