
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Grieskirchen & Eferding districts: The region shows off its most beautiful side

Grieskirchen & Eferding districts: The region shows off its most beautiful side

The Grieskirchen district covers an area of ​​579 square kilometers. It consists of 33 communities. The Eferding district is 260 square kilometers in size and counts twelve.

DISTRICTS OF GRIESKIRCHEN & EFERDING. The total of 45 communities are characterized by their wonderful town centers and landscapes, as this photo series shows. Click through!

The three largest communities in the Grieskirchen district (according to inhabitants)
Bad Schallerbach: 4,540
Peuerbach: 4,683
Grieskirchen: 5,182

The three largest communities in the district Eferding (according to inhabitants)
Alcove 6,182
Eferding 4,290
Hartkirchen 3,964

The three smallest communities in the district Grieskirchen (according to inhabitants)

Pötting: 570 inhabitants
St. Thomas: 581 inhabitants
Heiligenberg: 723 inhabitants

The three smallest communities in the district Eferding (according to inhabitants)
Puppies 1,792
Stroheim 1,683
Haibach ob der Donau 1,278

The three largest communities in the district Grieskirchen (by area)
Waizenkirchen: 34.25 square kilometers
Peuerbach: 39.40 square kilometers
Gaspoltshofen: 40.61 square kilometers

The three largest communities in the district Eferding (by area)
Stroheim 28.75
Hartkirchen 39.08
Alcove 42.57

The three smallest communities in the district Grieskirchen (by area)
Neumarkt in Hausruckkreis: 2.11 square kilometers
St. Thomas: 6.08 square kilometers
Gallspach: 6.18 square kilometers

The three smallest communities in the district Eferding (by area)
Eferding 2.81
Aschach on the Danube 6.02
Puppies 13.34

Which parties do the mayors of the individual municipalities belong to?
ÖVP: Aistersheim, Bad Schallerbach, Eschenau im Hausruckkreis, Grieskirchen, Haag am Hausruck, Heiligenberg, Hofkirchen an der Trattnach, Kallham, Meggenhofen, Michaelnbach, Natternbach, Neukirchen am Walde, Neumarkt im Hausruckkreis, Pollham, Pram, Rottenbach, St. Agatha, St. Georgen near Grieskirchen, St. Thomas, Steegen, Taufkirchen an der Trattnach, Tollet, Waizenkirchen, Wallern, Weibern, Wendling, Haibach ob der Donau, Hinzenbach, Prambachkirchen, Pupping, Scharten, St. Marienkirchen an der Polsenz, Stroheim
SPÖ: Geboltskirchen, Kematen am Innbach, Schlüßlberg, Alkoven, Aschach an der Donau, Eferding, Fraham, Hartkirchen,
FPÖ: Gallspach, Gaspoltshofen,
Shared future Bruck-Waasen / Peuerbach: Peuerbach