
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Hamas attack on Israel and the role of social media

Hamas attack on Israel and the role of social media

Crime scene – Israel

Hamas terrorists kidnap around 250 Israelis to Gaza on October 7, 2023: Released reports of survival in captivity.Sep 20, 2024 | 43:20 mins

When the terrorists invaded Israel from Gaza on October 7, 2023 to kill and kidnap, they filmed everything on cell phones and small cameras. The attack on Israel was unexpected and they documented it all the more thoroughly. The images will be uploaded to social media as quickly as possible. The world should see and fear the ruthless brutality and destructiveness of the Hamas terrorists.
But many of their victims also turn to their cell phones to record what is happening to them. Even if they don’t survive the attack. These include young people who attend the Nova music festival or families who are surprised in their sleep in their kibbutz on the weekend of a religious festival. The sheer amount of footage from October 7th is overwhelming. There is also footage from the Israeli army (IDF) as well as from surveillance cameras and police body cameras.
Devastation after Hamas attack on music festival

More than 360 people died in the attack on the Supernova festival on October 7th. Five survivors talk about their traumatic experiences and the fight back to life.12/01/2023 | 29:50 mins

Footage shows the fear in the eyes

The recordings show how people are rounded up, the fear in their eyes, how families are torn apart, how acts of violence, murders or brutal kidnappings are carried out by the terrorists in an almost carefree manner. Sometimes they are in full military gear, but sometimes they appear to be civilians.

The intention behind filming and publishing this disturbing brutality is clear. The families of the terrorists in Gaza should admire the violence of the perpetrators and the families of the victims and the Israelis should be in fear, terror and shock.

Crime scene – Israel

The Hamas terrorist attack has deeply shaken Israel. The country mourns and mourns the dead of the worst massacre in its history. Survivors and those left behind tell their stories.Sep 20, 2024 | 43:30 mins

Relatives are recognized in social media posts

Many people experienced what was happening that day via Telegram or other social media channels. They can see that amidst the carnage, their relatives are still alive. But others recognize their children, parents or friends among the corpses. Terrible sights and moments. This is how Idit Ohel sees the kidnapping of her son Alon, shortly after it took place.

“The video showed them taking him away,” says Idit Ohel. He was dragged by his hair to a van.

Experienced. He kicks and tries to defend himself.

Idit Ohel, sees video of her son Alon’s kidnapping

He looked covered in blood, but he could move, Ohel said. “Arms and legs were moving, so I think he’s OK.”

The Shani Louk case also affects people in Germany

In a Hamas video, the German-Israeli Ricarda Louk sees her daughter Shani, who is apparently unconscious in the back of a pickup truck and is surrounded by armed fighters. A shock for the family.

“My older son got a video and started screaming and crying and said, ‘That’s Shani,'” says Ricarda Louk. He recognized her by the tattoos on her feet. “We all then watched the video and it was really terrible.”

And everyone is cheering around her, they are spitting on her head, everyone is celebrating what is happening and they are in the Gaza Strip, and that is our daughter.

Ricarda Louk about a video with her daughter Shani

Crime scene – Israel

Hamas’s brutal attack was followed by Israel’s devastating counterattack – and nothing is the same again.Sep 20, 2024 | 44:04 mins

Hamas uses images to carry out propaganda

The terrorist attack on October 7th is quickly broadcast live on social media channels. In retrospect, the filmmakers have a responsibility to use the film material with restraint and to treat it respectfully, also in order to protect the dignity of the victim and not to inflict more suffering on those affected.

Hamas shows its atrocities for propaganda purposes. The task of the media is to carefully examine the abundant material and put it into context without, as the perpetrators intended, spreading their terror. But they also have to report what happened without trivializing it. Often a fine line.

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:The Middle East conflict

War in the Middle East: The conflict has escalated with the Hamas terrorist attack. As a result, Israel is attacking targets in the Gaza Strip. Current news and background information.