
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Stones, sticks, knives! Groups beat each other up in Neukölln

Stones, sticks, knives! Groups beat each other up in Neukölln

Berlin – In a brutal fight between two groups of men, some of them armed Berlin-Neukölln Several people were injured on Sunday night.

On Sunday night, the Berlin police were called to Britz. (Symbolic image) © Marijan Murat/dpa

According to police, the altercation occurred around 1:10 a.m. on Gradestrasse in the Britz district and quickly became violent.

According to this, ten men are said to have attacked a group of seven with stones, sticks and knives for reasons that are still unknown.

The smaller group fought back with punches and kicks until the attackers fled.

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The emergency services found three injured people on site. Two men, aged 18 and 30, were treated as outpatients in hospital. The third, as yet unknown injured person remained hospitalized in the hospital with a facial injury.

At the crime scene, police found two knives and a stick, which were confiscated as evidence. The investigation into suspicion of grievous bodily harm is ongoing.