
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Broadcast dates on Freevee, Amazon Prime and YouTube

Broadcast dates on Freevee, Amazon Prime and YouTube

The survival cult show “7 vs. Wild” is entering its fourth season. Even before the start of the first episode, series creator Fritz Meinecke promises in one of his announcement videos on YouTube: “This season will be by far the toughest ever.”

Fans of cultivated outdoor entertainment can look forward to a… new setting, new rules and a diverse range of candidates I’m happy. Meinecke announces: “Everything will be completely different.” You can find out here when “7 vs. Wild” starts and where you can stream the fourth season for free.

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Can you stream “7 vs. Wild” for free?

Anyone who has a Prime membership on Amazon can buy the fourth season at no additional cost Watch on Prime Video. Prime members who have booked the additional “Prime Video Ad Free” option can watch the episodes here ad-free.

If you don’t have a Prime membership, you can watch the episodes on the same day View Freevee on AmazonHowever, an Amazon account is required for this (no Prime) and the viewer must be prepared for advertising.

If you don’t have an Amazon account, you can still watch the episodes for free on the “7 vs. Wild” YouTube channel look at. However, the episodes are only shown on the Amazon channels two weeks after their premiere.

“7 vs. Wild” air dates

  • The new episodes are always available on Freevee and Amazon Prime Tuesdays and Fridays published.
  • The new episodes are always on YouTube Mondays and Thursdays published at 6 p.m.

How many episodes there will be in the fourth season of “7 vs. Wild” has not yet been officially announced. However, the first three seasons always included 16 episodes each. If one assumes that the fourth season also includes a total of 16 episodes, then the following broadcast dates result:

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When will the reaction videos be released?

All participating candidates in the fourth season as well as series creator Fritz Meinecke are allowed No earlier than 24 hours after the episode premiere They publish their so-called reaction videos on the Amazon channels – but only on the live streaming provider Twitch and not as “Video On Demand” (VOD). This means that the reaction video is not allowed to remain online after it has been broadcast. The VODs may only be published 24 hours after the YouTube release (i.e. around two weeks later).

The following applies to all other YouTubers and streamers: Reaction videos may only be published on YouTube at the earliest 24 hours after the episode has been published – either as a live stream or permanently as “Video On Demand”.