
topicnews · October 4, 2024

Oliver Pocher hopes to date Heidi Klum’s daughter – Leni is 26 years younger

Oliver Pocher hopes to date Heidi Klum’s daughter – Leni is 26 years younger

Pocher is planning a date with Heidi Klum’s daughter. In his podcast he makes an official offer to the 20-year-old.

Has he overcome the heartbreak after his divorce from Amira Aly (32)? At least comedian Oliver Pocher (46) can joke about love again. Or is he serious?! Because in the podcast “Die Pochers” he talks to ex-wife Sandy Meyer-Wölden (41) about Leni Klum (20). And he audibly makes offers to the young model.

Oliver Pocher raves about Leni Klum, who is 26 years younger

The podcast was initially about Leni’s mother Heidi (51). Olli says that he once attended a seminar given by self-help guru Eckhart Tolle (76). He was accompanied by Tom and Bill Kaulitz (both 35). “Shortly afterwards Heidi Klum came into life,” said the comedian. Sandy replies quite dryly: “But unfortunately not with you.”

And then things get weird. “It would be better for me if Leni came into my life.” “That’s more my department,” says Olli. “The very pretty Leni Klum,” agrees Sandy. “Yes, absolutely,” says Oliver Pocher. He can’t be stopped anymore: “Leni, when you hear that. I’ll be back on Saturday.” Sandy adds: “And single.” And 26 years older than her.

In typical Pocher style, he follows up: “Just let us talk.” About the here and now. And what it’s like to be with a famous mother. I would be interested in your opinion. […] Yes, so bitter. That was the official offer to Leni Klum.” The chances of her accepting the offer are slim. Because Leni has already traveled back to the USA. However, it is doubtful whether Pocher is really serious about his date invitation.

Pocher’s attempt at flirting with Fan also goes wrong

During a live recording of another podcast episode in Paderborn, where guests from the audience were able to ask questions, a viewer wanted to know: “What is your single life like now or do you already have someone in mind?” The comedian largely left the answer to this question to his ex-wife Sandy Meyer-Wölden. But Pocher wouldn’t be Pocher if he didn’t take advantage of the situation. When asked whether the viewer had made an offer of art with her question, she simply said that it was taken and brushed off the comedian.