
topicnews · October 5, 2024

New head of the US embassy in Berlin met his wife in Russia

New head of the US embassy in Berlin met his wife in Russia

For Alan Meltzer, a highlight in the life of every diplomat comes right at the beginning of his term in office in Berlin: the visit of his president. Joe Biden is coming to Berlin for three days on October 10th.

“We don’t work on anything else in the weeks beforehand,” says Meltzer, who is the new chargé d’affaires and is heading the US embassy on an interim basis. The upcoming talks with Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will focus on the most pressing challenges of this time – and on the president’s political legacy and his great commitment to democracy.

Alan Meltzer still made time for a conversation in the small library with a view of the American flag and Pariser Platz. This has to do with German-American Day, which is celebrated on October 6th.