
topicnews · October 7, 2024

IHK Fulda starts location survey: How attractive is the East Hesse region?

IHK Fulda starts location survey: How attractive is the East Hesse region?

The IHK Fulda is starting a location survey. – Symbolic photo: O|N archive / Hendrik Urbin

Where are your shoes pinching?

10/7/24 – East Hesse is a livable and lovable region – we are all convinced of that. But how attractive is our location really for the regional economy? Are we well prepared for the challenges of the future? And in which areas can and must we improve? This is what the IHK Fulda now wants to know from regional entrepreneurs.

IHK general manager Michael Konow. Photo: O|N – Archive / Marius Auth

“We have drawn up an extensive location survey and would be very grateful if you could take 15 to 20 minutes to answer the questions about the general and economic attractiveness of the location, the location climate, infrastructure, commercial space, the labor market as well as energy and the environment. “ ; appeals to Michael Konow, general manager of the IHK Fulda. “We would be even more grateful if you could encourage your business acquaintances to take part in this survey.”

Information remains anonymous

The information provided in the survey will of course be treated anonymously. The IHK Fulda uses the results, which hopefully reflect the Fulda economy in all its diversity, for regional policy advice and for overall economic interest representation, ultimately to improve the framework conditions for entrepreneurial activity. Click here for the IHK survey. (pm/cdg) +++