
topicnews · October 9, 2024

Hike through the English countryside with two teenagers and try to understand the world

Hike through the English countryside with two teenagers and try to understand the world

This excerpt from the documentation The long journey (1964) follows two teenage English girls as they wander around, smoking cigarettes and offering conscious glimpses into their inner lives and the world around them. In a voiceover, one of the girls, seemingly a runaway, talks about her desire to live a free, non-conformist life away from the routines of school and church, before meeting a friend and commenting on the dreary colors and peculiar beauty of the industrialized world Landscape. In any case, the two seem to be trying to understand their place in the world and what it means to live a free, authentic life. Oscillating between a melancholy view of their surroundings and carpe diem feelings, they offer serious contradictions as, like young people coming of age in every generation, they navigate their own contradictory impulses and grapple with the question of how best to live in of the world exists.