
topicnews · October 9, 2024

Joint fight: HAK students and police against cybercrime

Joint fight: HAK students and police against cybercrime

Cybercrime has been the fastest growing area in police reporting statistics for years

HORN. As part of the prevention project “Safe together with our police”, events are currently taking place in Lower Austria where police officers invite people to have a casual conversation over a cup of coffee at various places. This week the police welcomed interested customers together with the Cyber-HAK students at the Sparkasse Horn.
A protective cover for ATM cards was also distributed – it protects against unwanted access.

Against cybercrime

Partnership: The students of the Cyber-HAK Horn – together with the Horn district command – created an information folder on how people can be protected from losing their new money. It’s all about protecting people from the fake police. Fake officers call and report accidents involving an officer and demand bail. “The folder tells you exactly how to tell whether the police officer on the phone is fake or real,” says Daniela Postl, class leader. This folder will be found throughout the district, in doctor’s offices, in communities, at police stations, in public places.

Experts for risk analysis and crisis management in the area of ​​cyber security are urgently needed. They help to secure the existence of companies and organizations and prevent damage. Training these experts is the goal of the new focus HAK for security management and cyber security at the BHAK/BHAS Horn.

Break down barriers

“Coffee with Cops” offers the opportunity to exchange ideas with the people behind the uniform, to ask questions, to discuss things or simply to have a conversation. The aim is to break down barriers, build trust and strengthen the feeling of security among the population, regardless of whether they are interested in police work, need safety tips for home or just want a nice conversation.

If you are interested in a place in the Cyber-HAK: Register now for the 2025/26 school year!