
topicnews · October 10, 2024

Holiday destination MV – Tourism barometer: Holidaymakers rely on sustainability – travel

Holiday destination MV – Tourism barometer: Holidaymakers rely on sustainability – travel

Rostock (dpa/mv) – An environmentally conscious and sustainable use of resources is playing an increasingly important role for holidaymakers when choosing their holiday destination, including in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Sustainable transformation is not a trend, but the future in which it is worth investing, said the managing president of the East German Savings Bank Association, Ludger Weskamp, ​​on the occasion of the presentation of the MV Tourism Barometer 2024, which was presented for the first time as part of the Tourism Days in Rostock. “We have to think about tourism differently.”

There is awareness of this in the company, but there is still not enough concrete action. In MV there is a need to catch up when it comes to ecological sustainability. Overall, based on a survey in the summer, the tourism barometer found a “cautiously optimistic” mood among tourism professionals in MV, while the mood in the hospitality industry was clouded over in the spring and summer of 2024.

The tourism industry is facing challenges

When it comes to future planning and the associated investments by companies in the tourism and leisure industry, insufficient equity or weak creditworthiness is less of an obstacle to investment. Instead, there are challenges such as rising costs for energy, raw materials and wages, skills shortages, excessive bureaucracy or the uncertain political framework and weak domestic demand.

The barometer for the leisure industry in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania reports positive figures. In this area, the number of visitors from the pre-Corona year was exceeded in the first seven months of 2024: the number of visitors to cultural and leisure facilities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania recorded an increase of one percent from January to July 2024 compared to the comparable period in 2023 (Germany-wide three percent). Compared to the pre-Corona level in 2019, this was 10 percent more visitors.

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