
topicnews · October 10, 2024

Greens in BW crash: lowest value since 2010: what happens next?

Greens in BW crash: lowest value since 2010: what happens next?

In the representative survey for the BW state election, Prime Minister Kretschmann’s Greens fell in favor with voters. The CDU did better. This is how the parties react to the results.

The Greens in Baden-Württemberg have described the figures for the new BW trend as a wake-up call. In the survey by infratest dimap on behalf of SWR and “Stuttgarter Zeitung”, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s party (Greens) fell to a low point in its time in government.

Greens want to regain trust

The Greens lost four percentage points and reached 18 percent, their lowest value since 2010. There is nothing to sugarcoat, state Green Party chairmen Lena Schwelling and Pascal Haggenmüller said.

These numbers are a wake-up call, there is nothing better. We have to regain trust. This applies in particular to the work at the federal level, but we will also work with all our might on this here in Baden-Württemberg.

CDU as the strongest force

CDU state manager Tobias Vogt spoke to SWR about a “vote of confidence” in his party’s course. “We are pleased that we are finally the Baden-Württemberg party again and that this trend is continuing.” The CDU has two percentage points in the survey and remains the strongest force with 34 percent.

The general secretary of the CDU Baden-Württemberg, Nina Warken, said: “We make good, pragmatic politics close to the people. The citizens apparently do not like the Greens’ realignment into an opportunistic one-man movement with Habeck in the federal government and Özdemir in the country.

“CDU supported by the weakness of the Greens”

Frank Brettschneider, communications scientist at the University of Hohenheim, sees a clear connection: His opinion on the support of the CDU due to the weakness of the Greens: “Voters who have avoided the CDU in the past are coming back.” The CDU, on the other hand, was very united and also constructive.

AfD gains two percentage points

AfD parliamentary group leader Anton Baron described the survey results as a resounding slap in the face for the Greens: “The citizens of Baden-Württemberg are finally exposing the Greens for what they really are: a flawless ban party.” His party got 16 percent, two percentage points more than in January 2024.

SPD: Opposition in the state, part of the traffic light government in Berlin

Against the traffic light trend, the SPD was able to gain 13 percent – ​​for party leader Andreas Stoch, proof of good opposition politics in the country. The polls show very clearly that people did not want coalition games or an early election campaign.

We are the only party in the incumbent federal government to gain in the current survey.

FDP: Never again traffic light government

The FDP loses two percentage points and comes to five percent. Parliamentary group leader Hans-Ulrich Rülke blames the traffic lights in Berlin for this. “There should never be a traffic light again in the federal government,” Rülke told SWR.

Election campaign could be “unusual”.

The next state election in Baden-Württemberg is expected to take place in spring 2026. Communications scientist Brettschneider assumes that the survey results will be a different kind of election campaign: “I think it will be an unusual election campaign because the Greens will try harder to put their top candidates in the spotlight – if it is Cem Özdemir – and .” to hide the party to a certain extent.

Sunday question state election BW: Greens fall to their lowest point in their time in government