
topicnews · October 11, 2024

++ Information date in the evening, October 10, 2024: EU interior ministers discuss stricter deportations ++

++ Information date in the evening, October 10, 2024: EU interior ministers discuss stricter deportations ++

Many member states are temporarily controlling their borders again – the topics of the evening with Sophie Klein:

At the meeting in Luxembourg, Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser spoke out in favor of implementing the new rules of the common European asylum system faster than planned. The SPD politician wants to present her draft law for the German implementation of the EU asylum reform in the next few days. Specifically, Faeser wants to start the accelerated asylum procedures at Germany’s external borders as soon as possible. This affects people from countries whose recognition rate is below 20 percent. In Luxembourg, ministers are also discussing how deportation practices can be tightened.

Collective bargaining for public banks continued

Accompanied by warning strikes, the Verdi union and the employers in Mainz continued their collective bargaining for the public banks in Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saarland. In Rhineland-Palatinate, employees at LBBW Mainz and ISB Rheinland-Pfalz, among others, were called upon to go on temporary strike. Verdi is demanding, among other things, 12.5 percent more money.