
topicnews · October 11, 2024

Rewe, Edeka and Kaufland are affected

Rewe, Edeka and Kaufland are affected

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  2. consumer

Pasta doesn’t cost much and is very versatile. But a popular variety is currently being recalled due to the risk of mold – several federal states are affected.

Kassel – Pasta is probably one of the most uncomplicated foods ever. They are quick to prepare, easy to store and, more importantly, the whole family enjoys them. In supermarkets, customers can choose from a wide variety of pasta.

However, caution is currently advised when it comes to a type of pasta. As the Bavarian pasta manufacturer Bernbacher reports via the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), “Die Guten” letter pasta in the 2 x 125 gram packaging is being recalled. The reason for the measure is a possible risk of mold. Öko-Test also recently put spaghetti to the test.

Rewe, Edeka and Kaufland affected by recall – pasta could contain mold © Screenshot/

On sale at Rewe, Edeka, Kaufland and others: Manufacturers have to recall pasta varieties

According to the company’s own information, the recall only affects two charges: with the best-before date of March 7th, 2026 and the lot number L3055264, as well as the best-before date of March 20th, 2026 and the lot number L3055490. “It cannot be ruled out that the pasta is occasionally contaminated with mold,” says the manufacturer. He has already reacted and removed the letter noodles from sale.

The noodles were sold throughout Germany at the following stores:

  • Rewe
  • Edeka
  • Kaufland
  • Transgourmet
  • Tegut
  • Market purchase
  • Hamberger
  • Big core
  • V market
  • Cheese
  • globe
  • Norma

Customers who have already purchased the product can return it to the respective sales outlets without presenting the receipt for a refund of the purchase price. Some time ago, an energy drink also had to be recalled due to mold.

Noodle recall: All federal states affected

According to current status (October 10th), the product has been sold in all federal states. The exact key data of the recalled product at a glance:

Manufacturer Josef Bernbacher & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
product The Good Letter Noodles
Packaging unit 2 x 125 grams
Affected best before date 03/07/2026, 03/20/2026
Lot marking L3055264, L3055490

Aldi was also recently affected by a recall campaign due to a popular pasta sauce.

Mold in food – what consumers should know

There are many reasons for a recall. According to consumer advocates, if there is a suspicion of unsafe food, companies must recall it immediately. According to the BVL, the most common causes of recalls are microbiological contamination caused by germs, viruses, fungi or bacteria. Recently, an immediate chocolate recall had to be started at Aldi – consumption could cause serious injuries.

According to the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL Bayern), many molds are harmless and only cause the affected food to spoil. But there are also species that produce toxins, so-called “mycotoxins”, in food – if consumed regularly, these can damage the genetic material and cause cancer, for example. Therefore, food should be thrown away at the first sign of visible mold growth. (vw)