
topicnews · October 14, 2024

Feelings run wild with Mimi Fiedler

Feelings run wild with Mimi Fiedler

“That’s really hardcore”: Actress Mimi Fiedler is exhausted after discussions about the ranking of the residents and has to cry.

Hot kisses, escort girls and strip clubs on “Celebrity Big Brother” 2024

The most important thing in brief

+++ Update, October 12, 2024 +++

Mimi’s emotions run rampant

Who isn’t real here? Who is the most selfish? Who least deserves to win? These are the questions that the big brother sets for a ranking and thus ignites a real conflagration in the container. The female residents have to place themselves in places 1 to 8 among themselves – and excluding their male roommates. At the same time, the men have the task of ranking the female roommates. When actor Jochen Horst presents the men’s results in the living room, heated discussions and turbulent emotions result. This is far too much for Mimi Fiedler: She flees to the bathroom in tears and explains her outburst in the consulting room: “My synapses are currently dancing polka. That’s really hardcore.” “Well done, Big Brother,” Elena Miras commented on the heated atmosphere in the container.

+++ Update, October 11, 2024 +++

“Oracle” Mimi makes Elena cry

When tarot cards are made available to the celebrities in the container, Mimi takes this chance for a change and offers to read the others’ futures from the cards. The actress slips into the role of the fortune teller and does so so convincingly that Elena, Leyla, Sinan and Sarah are literally hanging on each other’s lips after just a few words. Elena even bursts into tears when Mimi answers the most important question on Elena’s mind, whether she will finally find peace after “Celebrity Big Brother”. “Oh, my God: yes,” Mimi oracles: “Everything will be okay.” Elena covers her face with her hands and lets her emotions run wild.

Leyla will know if she will have children

Leyla is a bit hesitant at first, but then asks what is apparently most on her mind: “Will I have children?” Mimi first turns over the cards showing the high priestess and then fruit. The association from fruit to fertility doesn’t last long: Elena shouts enthusiastically: “You’re having children.” Mimi agrees: “One hundred percent.” Then Elena: “A thousand percent.” Mimi goes one better: “You’ll definitely have twins.” And what does Elena say: “Triplets.” A soap couldn’t be better! When Elena wants to know whether she should stay in the house she currently lives in, Mimi can no longer be stopped. She looks deeply into the eyes of both Leyla and Elena, who has a daughter with Leyla’s boyfriend Mike from a previous relationship, and follows her spontaneous inspiration: “Your children will play in this house.” She adds quietly: “Him is a good guy.” Sob…

+++ Update, October 10, 2024 +++

Mimi Fiedler has a spontaneous date – with Big Brother!

“The next man I have, I want him to talk to me like Big Brother!” Mimi raved recently. Of course, the big brother also heard this exuberant compliment: So he doesn’t hesitate and asks Mimi to go on a spontaneous date in the consulting room. “Mimi, I heard you like it strong? Come to the consulting room now and immediately!” he ordered. The actress follows his every word.

The atmosphere in the consulting room is then unexpectedly intimate: dimmed lights, romantic music and electric candles create a perfect setting for a different kind of blind date. Big brother first asks Mimi what she likes so much about him? The Tatort star is happy to provide information:

You know what you want and make clear statements!

Mimi Fiedler

Big Brother flirts with Mimi

When the question arises about Mimi’s visual requirements for Big Brother, it becomes amusing. “Not smaller than me and with hair,” Mimi describes her ideas. When asked by Big Brother, “Where’s the hair?” Mimi can only answer with a laugh: “On the head!” Who knows what Big Brother was trying to get at with this question, but we’ll just leave it at that.

Towards the end of her consultation date, Mimi is asked how she imagines a possible next date. Her answer is as honest as it is charming: “So that I can blame myself as little as possible.” It remains to be seen whether there will be a second meeting.

Don’t want to miss anything?

+++ Update, October 9, 2024 +++

Is Mimi hot for Jochen?

Mimi is cheekily asked by Verena Kerth: “Which do you think is better: dirty sex or kinky food?” The former is of course the favorite for the passionate amateur cleaning lady: “I generally think dirty sex is better because then you can clean up afterwards! In general, I could have sex again!”

In a solution-oriented manner, Verena suggests with a grin: “Oh, Jochen is lying there!” But Mimi has someone completely different in her sights: Big Brother, because she is completely on his clear instructions (“Mimi, come to the consulting room immediately!”). “The next man I have, I want him to talk to me like that! Mimi, come to the kitchen! Mimi, have dirty sex with me!”

In the clip – Dirty sex wanted: Mimi Fiedler knows exactly what she wants!

+++ Update, October 8, 2024 +++

Jochen’s cheating guide horrifies Mimi

Under the title “How do I have an affair?” Camouflage, deception and a guide to discreet indiscretion”, Jochen Horst has published a guide on the subject of cheating. When Bea Peters asked the actor about it in the living room, Mimi Fiedler was mostly incomprehensible. Cheat? Not with Mimi Fiedler! “I’m not one of those women who wants another penis when they have one at home. Then I already have a penis,” the Tatort star states, as usual, directly and bluntly.

Jochen’s explanation that he wants to use his book to prevent both partners from hurting each other in a mutual relationship doesn’t change much.

+++ Update, September 24, 2024 +++

Hard months after the end of the marriage

Mimi Fiedler, who was born Miranda Čondić-Kadmenović in Split, was married to TV producer and sports official Otto Steiner (61) for four years before the relationship broke up in November 2023. Fiedler has so far remained silent about the reason for the separation. She gave information about the consequences in an interview with RTL.
They suffered not only emotionally (“When the anger subsided, there was sadness”) but also physically. Fiedler has been a dry alcoholic for “almost six years”. The time after the separation was “challenging” for her and there was a constant risk of relapsing again, writes

In the clip – abuse, alcoholism and hospital: Mimi Fiedler about her search

Mimi Fiedler makes it clear: “I have not relapsed”

“I’ve only been stable for maybe four weeks,” she revealed in the RTL interview. Stability required for her, “not to relapse, not to think about alcohol”. Alcohol had long played a big role in Fiedler’s life. According to her own statements, she started drinking at the age of 14 and was addicted for 30 years. Regarding the separation, she made it clear: “There were a lot of rumors that I had relapsed, that I was drinking again, that that was the reason for the separation.” That was untrue: “I did not relapse.”

But the separation also caused financial bottlenecks for Fiedler. Fiedler “moved from home” in November, as she announced on her Instagram account, and moved to Mallorca, settling in a rental finca in the Mallorcan mountains. She bought the furnishings cheaply at flea markets and second-hand shops. “I’m looking at the money now. “I didn’t have to do that in my marriage,” she admitted.

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Looking for a new last name

Mimi Fiedler says that she did not create any private reserves during her marriage. “I led a great life,” but that was mainly financed by her husband and “not my resources.” But she could rely on others. “My friends were there for me not only mentally, but also financially.”

She has now regained her financial footing as an influencer. Now we’re also going to the “Celebrity Big Brother” house. She was really looking forward to taking part. “Somehow I feel like it will change my life. I have a lot of butterflies in my stomach,” she recently posted on Instagram. She will begin a new chapter in her life in the container. This also includes their last names. As she wrote on Instagram, where she acts as “missmimi”, she “got rid of it” last year because she is no longer an actress. The time at #PromiBB was, she continued, “a great opportunity to look for a new surname for myself together.”

The Late Night Show: gossip and illustrious guests about “Celebrity Big Brother”

+++ Original message +++

From the “Tatort” in the “Celebrity Big Brother” container

“Celebrity Big Brother” 2024 promises an exciting season with exciting personalities. In addition to Verena Kerth, another woman is known so far: Mimi Fiedler, who became famous primarily for her role in Stuttgart’s “Tatort”. In the crime series she played forensic scientist Nika Banovic from 2008 to 2018.

In the episode “The Man Who Lies” she said goodbye to the role, explaining that she had “outgrown the role”. The actress with Croatian roots was born on September 11, 1975 in Split.

Mimi Fiedler: Private life and name change

While her career in “Tatort” is characterized by stability, her private life is rather turbulent. In 2019 she married the TV producer Otto Steiner, but their happiness didn’t last long. In 2023, Mimi Fiedler will announce the end of love via Instagram in order to be able to “determine her own narrative”.

Mimi Fiedler has changed her name several times. She is originally born as Miranda Condic-Kadmenovic. However, the desire to make things less complicated leads her to take her grandfather’s surname, making her called Miranda Toma for a time.

After her first marriage she called herself Leonhardt, and after another relationship she finally decided on Fiedler. She also changes her first name – the nickname Mimi becomes her official first name.

Mimi Fiedler has strange goals in the “Celebrity Big Brother” container

Mimi Fiedler formulated a clear goal for “Celebrity Big Brother” 2024: “If I get out of the container a little easier than I went in.” This statement not only refers to physical well-being, but also to the mental burden that she carries has carried with him in recent years. Roommate Max Kruse also has similar goals. He wants to declare war on his beloved Nutella bread in the container.

A topic that could also come up on the show is her former alcohol addiction, which she made public in 2020. The actress has been sober since 2018 and has processed her experiences in her book “Trinkerbelle – My Life in Intoxication”.

After the end of “Tatort”: Farewell to acting?

It will also be exciting to see whether Mimi Fiedler will give further insights into her life after acting during the show. She has already announced on Instagram that she no longer wants to work as an actress. She also indicated that she was thinking about changing her name again. However, she has not yet revealed what name she will have in the future.

It remains to be seen what new facets Mimi Fiedler will show in “Celebrity Big Brother” 2024. What is clear, however, is that she will use the show to address important personal issues and emerge stronger from the experience.

Season 12 of “Celebrity Big Brother” – live daily on SAT.1 and on Joyn.