
topicnews · October 15, 2024

Massive Leak Reveals Title, Director & Story

Massive Leak Reveals Title, Director & Story

“Pokémon” studio Game Freak was hacked: The massive leaks also revealed information about the “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu” sequel.

It’s been five years since the immensely successful “Pokémon” series made the live-action leap to the big screen with “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu.” The adventure film for the whole family turned out to be a box office hit and grossed over $450 million worldwide. It quickly became clear that a sequel would only be a matter of time. This was officially announced in the same year, but nothing has happened since then. In 2023 there was another sign of life: Jonathan Krisel (“Baskets”) was supposed to succeed Rob Letterman (“Goosebumps”) as director, while Oren Uziel (“Mortal Kombat”) and Chris Galletta (“Kings of Summer”) were to write the script should.

Then it went back to Limbo, where production has been ever since. Lead actor Justice Smith didn’t sound particularly confident in an interview with Screen Rant at the beginning of the year:

“I haven’t heard of any developments. I mean, I know what’s been posted online about it, but no one has called me. So I’m just waiting for that call.”

There were apparently further developments, as a massive leak from the development studio Game Freak has now revealed. The company is responsible for the majority of all “Pokémon” video games and recently admitted a hacker attack last August: In addition to countless information about upcoming “Pokémon” video games, there is also leaked data about anime and planned live-action films. So there are or were two films in the works: In addition to the direct “Detective Pikachu” sequel with the title “The Great Detective Pikachu” the other film goes by the simple but promising title “Game Boy”:

“The Great Detective Pikachu, a sequel to the Detective Pikachu film, has been in the works since 2021. Originally scheduled for a theatrical release in 2024, it is unclear whether it has just been postponed or canceled. The entire plot is in the leak.”

Incidentally, the director should have been directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who demonstrated his knack for major blockbuster productions with “Kong: Skull Island”. We’ll leave out the plot itself at this point. Nobody likes spoilers. “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu” is not the only successful video game adaptation: We have summarized the most iconic representatives for you in the video clip:

“The Great Detective Pikachu”: Is the film still in the works or already history?

The element of the leak that may be most concerning here is the fact that The Great Detective Pikachu was originally scheduled to be released in theaters this year. Since filming hasn’t even started yet or not a single star has been linked to the sequel, one can assume two possible scenarios: Either the sequel is still in the works and is far from being ready for release, or the film was just as quietly and secretly canceled , as it went into production in 2021.

But at the same time the question also arises as to whether a sequel is even necessary? “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu” had a coherent ending and can easily stand on its own. Maybe it would even be better to leave it at that one film before potentially damaging the legacy with a bad sequel.

A Pokémon or just a drug? Dare to put your knowledge about these cute animals to the test with this quiz:

Pokémon or medicine?

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