
topicnews · October 19, 2024

Football safety summit at the airport: “Pyrotechnics have no place in the stadiums”

Football safety summit at the airport: “Pyrotechnics have no place in the stadiums”


Politicians are increasing the pressure on the clubs and are demanding even more security in German stadiums at a round table at Munich Airport – a good sign.

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (68): “From the perspective of the Interior and Sports Minister, a key point was that the stadium bans be issued and implemented more consistently.” That’s why it’s important that this is centralized. We have advocated for a central stadium ban commission at the federal level. Details need to be discussed now. The aim is to have such a central stadium ban, at least for the first and second leagues, which makes consistent and uniform decisions about stadium bans.”

The exchange of data between the investigating authorities and the clubs should also be enforced. So far, for example, video recordings from the stadium have not been thrown out with reference to data protection. The subject of pyrotechnics was also discussed in the Bavarian capital. Herrmann: “We agree that pyrotechnics have no place in the stadiums.” There is no reason to change anything.” And even Aki Watzke, head of the DFL supervisory board, said: “Pyrotechnics is dangerous. And we are the organizer. We can’t allow it at the moment either. Everyone was completely in agreement, there is no disagreement. That has very little to do with football.”

However, the associations want to forego collective punishment. Herrmann: “We have discussed the other questions regarding collective punishments, but are expressly putting them on hold for now in order to make progress on the issue of stadium bans.”

The fan organization “Our Curve” reacted to the decisions with a mixture of criticism and sarcasm. “When ignorance reigns,” the alliance began its statement: “Hundreds of thousands of stadium-goers are surprised by a supposed problem that doesn’t even exist.” To make it clear in advance: There is hardly a safer event than a professional football game in Germany.” How do the lion ultras react? Will there be a message on Sunday at the derby in Unterhaching?