
topicnews · September 9, 2024

Essex Police operation on M25 and A12 leads to 19 arrests

Essex Police operation on M25 and A12 leads to 19 arrests

This 24-hour crackdown was carried out on September 6 by officers from Essex Police’s Roads Policing Unit, Operational Support Group and their dog squad.

They monitored drivers’ behavior and automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) camera results to detect illegal or unsafe driving.

In total, officers arrested 19 people, including nine on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and six on suspicion of immigration violations.

Other illegal behavior of those arrested included unauthorized theft of a vehicle, driving without a license and possession of drugs.

In addition to these arrests, the police also confiscated 13 vehicles without adequate insurance and filed 71 traffic violation reports.

These reports can result in the driver being required to take a diversion course, paying a fine or even being summoned to court.

Inspector Emma Patterson said: “Safe driving is a responsibility and a requirement, not an option.”

“If you are not fit to drive, your vehicle is not fit to drive or you do not have adequate insurance for your vehicle, you will be stopped by our officers.

“Such behaviour can be even more dangerous on our faster main roads.

“That’s why we are working with partners through the Safer Essex Roads Partnership to reduce the number of traffic offences on our roads and achieve our Vision Zero goal – zero road deaths by 2040.”

Police also targeted vehicles linked to criminal activity or wanted for crimes in Essex.

READ MORE: Essex Police operation in Brentwood arrests 60 drivers for traffic violations

Among those arrested were four people who were wanted for various crimes.

A man was stopped because officers believed he was not wearing a seatbelt. However, officers then discovered that the man had failed to appear for a court hearing and arrested him.

Other arrests included a man wanted for threatening to kill and criminal damage and a woman wanted in connection with a theft being investigated by the Metropolitan Police.

In addition, a stolen vehicle was seized after another woman was arrested on suspicion of vehicle theft.