
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Mobile phone addiction: What does a Tiktok ban mean for young people? – News Plus

Mobile phone addiction: What does a Tiktok ban mean for young people? – News Plus

In Australia, the government wants to ban social media platforms for young people up to 16 years of age. They should no longer be allowed to spend time on Instagram, Tiktok, etc. Can a social media ban like this help combat cell phone addiction? We asked an expert on behavioral addictions.

It is not only in Australia that there are discussions about a social media ban for young people. Similar proposals have been discussed in the USA for some time. “He always wonders how such bans for Tiktok and other platforms are even supposed to be implemented,” says Domenic Schnoz from the Swiss health foundation Radix. In the podcast, he also explains when one speaks of cell phone addiction and what the signs are. A young person who spends around 8 hours a day on his cell phone also speaks.

Do you have any questions or topic input? Please write to us by email at [email protected] or send us a voice message to 076 320 10 37.

Heard in this episode
– Domenic Schnoz, General Manager of the Centre for Gambling Addiction and Other Behaviours at the Swiss Health Foundation Radix
– Tim (anonymous), who spends a lot of time on his mobile phone
– Antony Albanese, Prime Minister of Australia


– Join the discussion about the ban on mobile phones in schools:
– Kassensturz:


– Presented by: Raphael Günther
– Production: Marisa Eggli
– Collaboration: Silvia Staub

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