
topicnews · September 11, 2024

ABC News botches abortion fact check to help Democrats

ABC News botches abortion fact check to help Democrats

As expected in the duel between former President Donald Trump and his Vice President Kamala Harris, ABC News botched a fact check to cover up Harris and the radicalism of the Democratic Party.

ABC News anchor Linsey Davis joined the debate on the abortion issue and provided a “fact check” on Trump’s statements that the Democratic Party does not support any protections for babies born alive after an abortion.

“There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after birth,” she said matter-of-factly.

The problem is that Davis got her facts wrong. Trump’s response was based on the infamous (and liberal media-ignored) comments of former Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA), who said of babies born alive after an abortion: “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The child would be born. It would be fine. The child would be resuscitated if the mother and family desired that, and then a discussion would occur between the doctors and the mother.”


Davis was apparently unaware of this. She also apparently was unaware that Democrats in Congress had voted against a bill that would have protected babies born alive after abortions. Davis was also apparently unaware that Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), Harris’s running mate, helped repeal the state law that required doctors to save the life of a baby born during an abortion, meaning abortion doctors could simply let the baby die. even if it is already born. More specifically, Walz’s law explicitly removed the previous requirement that doctors must attempt to “preserve the life and health” of infants born alive. As Northam said, “a debate would ensue” as to whether that baby’s life was worth saving.

This is a relatively easy fact to verify. Davis intervened not to “fact-check” but to make a political point, which is one of the reasons the network made abortion (Harris’ strongest issue) the second debate topic. This puts the network’s finger on the scales for the 2024 election, which, while expected, is still partisan political banter thinly disguised as “fact-checking.”