
topicnews · September 12, 2024

Restaurant trend: Will it also catch on in Germany?

Restaurant trend: Will it also catch on in Germany?

The survey was conducted in May 2024 and included 1,002 participants from Germany, all of whom were over 18 years old and had been to a restaurant at least once in the last six months. Of those surveyed, 85.73 percent prefer traditional menus. Although QR code menus are already widely used in some restaurants, many are opposed to them.

Nevertheless, almost half of Germans (43.51 percent) use QR codes when there are no physical menus. However, a third of respondents (35.13 percent) insist on receiving a printed menu, and almost 7 percent of guests even leave the restaurant if only digital menus are offered.

The results of the survey suggest that despite the growing acceptance of technological innovations in the hospitality sector, many Germans prefer to stick with the usual processes. The survey results were anonymized and quality checked to ensure an appropriate margin of error.