
topicnews · September 17, 2024

macOS 15, iOS 18: The first user feedback and early experiences | News

macOS 15, iOS 18: The first user feedback and early experiences | News

Another big update evening has come to an end, although this time the simultaneous publication of all major releases meant that Apple’s servers had to handle a little more. As usual, this was evident in the download rates, because while almost unlimited speeds were achieved in the first 15 minutes, throughput dropped significantly. Some users report having received forecasts of several hours to a day – although it is still mostly smooth. There were also no major technical glitches, and unlike in earlier years of iOS or macOS, users were hardly confronted with error messages about failed updates.

Wi-Fi interruptions or no connection
If you look for errors that are reported by an above-average number of users, sporadic WLAN denial is common under macOS. The connection either fails completely or breaks off after a few minutes. The suspicion so far is that the new “rotating network addresses” are responsible for this. These can be activated in the WLAN settings to prevent tracking more effectively – but sometimes network problems can obviously arise.

iOS: The eternal misunderstanding about battery life
Immediately after a system update, the battery life takes a hit, which always leads to discussions about whether there must be a problem. Only in rare cases, however, was this behavior due to bugs; instead, cleanup or indexing tasks are responsible for increased activity. Normally, the load returns to normal with the usual runtimes soon. There are currently no general performance problems – neither on the iPhone nor on the Mac.

More feedback – and the search for Apple Intelligence
Some feedback says that Face ID no longer works after the update. However, this can be corrected very easily – by simply setting up the facial recognition system again and deleting the previous appearance. Unintentional deactivation of system functions, such as screen time, is also only observed sporadically. However, one question dominates at least in Apple’s support forums: I can’t find Apple Intelligence! Many users obviously assume that this is a feature from iOS 18, given how intensively Apple addressed it at the event. However, the functions will only be available from iOS 18.1 and iOS 18.2, others will have to wait until next year – and in which regions or political areas this is the case also remains to be seen.