
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Google Browser: Chrome 129 focuses on certificates, HTTP security and AI

Google Browser: Chrome 129 focuses on certificates, HTTP security and AI

Google has released version 129 of the Chrome browser, and this month it also contains numerous new features. The focus this time is on the new certificate manager, a new way of handling the HTTP protocol and new tools for administrators. Security gaps have also been closed.

Nine gaps were closed

In addition to the usual performance improvements, Google has closed a total of nine security holes in the new Chrome version, of which at least one is considered to have a high risk potential and three are considered to have a medium risk potential. In addition, the developers have implemented a wide range of new features.

The new certificate manager for Windows and macOS

Chrome 129 introduces a new certificate manager that can be accessed via the security settings on Windows and macOS. This new manager replaces the previous certificate management and shows which certificates are classified by Chrome as trusted or not trusted. This includes both the contents of the Chrome Root Store and all certificates imported from the operating system. Users can access the certificate manager directly by chrome://certificate-manager in the address bar.

The new browser version also offers other security improvements. For example, Chrome will now use the “Ask Before HTTP” (ABH) function to ask for the user’s consent before sending unsafe HTTP content. For this purpose, the “balanced mode” is introduced as a new variant of ABH, which offers a compromise between enforcing and disabling ABH via the policy. HttpsOnlyMode This mode works like a strict ABH in most cases, but does not require consent if Chrome knows that an HTTPS connection is not possible. Using the new policy force_balanced_enabled This behavior can be enforced in the settings.

In addition, users who use Chrome Enterprise Core and Workspace Enterprise Standard or Workspace Enterprise Plus can now enable the Chrome Security Insights feature, which can be used to perform a security scan of potentially risky browser activities and monitor any potential data loss.

Additional AI features

Initially, the new “Tab Compare” feature will only be rolled out in the USA with Chrome 129. This is intended to present users with an AI-generated overview of products from multiple tabs bundled in one place. It is not yet known when or if the new feature will also be available in Germany.

Also under iOS innovations

On iOS, users now have the option to delete the collected device data when they sign out. This removes saved browser data from a managed account in an unmanaged browser on the device. A confirmation dialog indicates that the data will be deleted from the time of signing in. However, this time is only known if the user signed in on Chrome 122 or later; otherwise, all data is deleted. The data deleted includes:

  • Browser history
  • Cookies and website data
  • Passwords
  • Website settings
  • Automatic
  • Images and files in the cache

Tab groupings are now saved on iOS and are no longer deleted when the browser is closed. For users who sync their tabs across systems, the groupings are now also transferred so that the organization of the tabs is maintained on all devices.

On Android, old tabs are now hidden in the new “Inactive Tabs” section in the Tab Switcher. Users can access the inactive tabs section to view all old tabs or close them with the new bulk tab feature. Tabs that have been in this section for more than 60 days are automatically deleted.

Control over screenshots

The new screenshot protection gives administrators a new tool to prevent users from taking unauthorized screenshots or sharing web pages with sensitive data. However, this feature is only available to Chrome Enterprise Premium users and can be enabled via the same Chrome Enterprise policy EnterpriseRealTimeUrlCheckMode Be controlled, which activates all URL lookups in real time.

macOS 10.15 no longer supports Chrome

With Chrome 129, Google is discontinuing support for macOS 10.15 “Catalina,” released in October 2019. Users of this version are asked to update their operating system in order to continue updating the Chrome browser.

Available now

Chrome 129 is now available for Windows in version 129.0.6668.58/.59 for Windows and macOS and 129.0.6668.58 for Linux. Android users can use version 129.0.6668.54 after the update. Google has not yet announced an update for iOS, but it is expected to follow in the next few days. The same applies to the Chromium browser such as Microsoft’s Edge, which should also not be long in coming.

Since Google will distribute the new version in waves as usual, it will probably take some time until all users have received their notification for the update. Alternatively, the process can also be initiated manually via the settings. As usual, the new Chrome version can also be downloaded from the ComputerBase download area via the link at the end of this article.


  • 3.1 stars

    Google Chrome is the most used browser, but does not offer any significant tracking protection.

    • Version 129.0.6668.58/.59 German
    • Version 109.0.5414.120 German