
topicnews · September 18, 2024

Mostviertel women at Flag Football World Cup: Four Thunder Ladies at World Cup

Mostviertel women at Flag Football World Cup: Four Thunder Ladies at World Cup

Four Thunder Ladies made it to the national team cut-ins final and were allowed to represent Austria at the Flag Football World Championship in Lahti, Finland. Bianca Peham and Karoline Kugler have been permanent members of the Austrian national team squad for years.

Comeback after injury
Magdalena Helm returned strongly to the team after a serious knee injury and Daniela Hader was able to play for Team Austria for the first time ever.
Daniela Schelch from the Amstetten Thunder Ladies: “With the official announcement that flag football will be an Olympic sport in 2028, interest around the world is increasing enormously.” This could already be seen at the World Cup in Finland. Austria is currently in fourth place in the world rankings. However, by 2028, the other nations will also be steadily upgrading and preparing to qualify for the Olympic Games.”

Unforgettable moments
Bianca Peham, who played as a defensive back, said of the World Cup in Lathi: “My highlight was that we fought our way to the small final with this great team and coaching staff and played for third place in the Lahti stadium at sunset and in front of an audience.” We showed ourselves and the world once again that the small country of Austria is fighting at the top of the world.

Magdalena Helm, Wild receiver, talks about her personal preparation for this highlight: “I prepared for the World Cup by spending a lot of time on strength and field training as well as national team camps. In general, the entire World Cup was very professionally organized. For example, all games were broadcast live and commented on.
Daniela Hader, defensive back, added: “My highlight was the stadium announcer’s announcement that Team Austria could go onto the field to play against Team Japan. There were pyrotechnics, camera teams, cheering fans and the whole thing was framed by the setting sun.” behind the ski jumps in Lahti.

Trial training possible
If you are interested in a trial training session with the Thunder Ladies, please register at
If you want to see the Thunder Ladies live, you can watch the game day at the Umdasch Stadium on September 21st at 11 a.m.