
topicnews · September 19, 2024

Oktoberfest – Good prospects: sun at the start of the Wiesn – warm festival climate – Bavaria

Oktoberfest – Good prospects: sun at the start of the Wiesn – warm festival climate – Bavaria

Munich (dpa) – The weather at the Wiesn: This is the second most important issue for Munich residents before the Oktoberfest, next to the price of beer. This year, things are looking good. The German Weather Service (DWD) is promising sunshine and mild autumn weather with temperatures of up to just over 20 degrees for the start of the Wiesn on Saturday, and there are similar prospects for Sunday, when the traditional costume wearers head to the Wiesn.

“We can expect calm September weather,” said DWD meteorologist Reik Schaab. “The weather for the Oktoberfest is looking good.” At least at the weekend, visitors can leave their umbrellas at home.

Take advantage of the first Oktoberfest weekend

That will probably change again at the beginning of next week. “On Monday there are a few signs of rain and temperatures below 20 degrees. “If you can – take advantage of the first Oktoberfest weekend – after that it will be more changeable,” said Schaab. It will be autumnal, but: “On Sunday we also have the start of autumn, so it could be autumnal then too.”

Two years ago, temperatures remained at around ten degrees even during the day – so, as an exception, the ice cream stands were allowed to switch and serve mulled wine.

The Wiesn has its own climate, and it can be warmer there, especially in the evenings, than in the city – where it is generally warmer than in the countryside. It’s the sheer number that counts: tens of thousands of visitors crowd the Wiesn, as well as food stalls with grills and tents with their kitchens.

Crowds make Oktoberfest warmer

Years ago, the Bonn meteorologist Karsten Brandt discovered that the large number of people celebrating not only heats up the atmosphere. One person generates 80 watts – as much as “a big old light bulb,” he argued. According to Brandt, this makes a difference of a few degrees, especially in the evening when the sun has gone. For Saturday evening, he predicted temperatures of up to 20 degrees at the Wiesn around 8 p.m. – while it is expected to cool down to around 15 degrees all around.

The humidity at the festival is also higher – because the warm air stores more water, but also because of the many kitchens, chicken roasters, lights and rides. In addition, people breathe, some sweat – more humidity. Brandt measured the temperature and humidity on several days at the festival in 2004, 2005, 2016 and 2017 and compared it with information from various weather stations in the Munich city area.

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