
topicnews · September 26, 2024

EPA must review fluoride regulations for drinking water By

EPA must review fluoride regulations for drinking water By

A federal judge in California has ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reevaluate its regulations on fluoride in drinking water. The decision follows consideration of possible harm to children’s cognitive development from fluoride. District Judge Edward Chen in San Francisco ruled on Tuesday that current fluoride concentrations, which are common nationwide, could pose an unreasonable risk to children.

The ruling favored several advocacy groups, including Food & Water Watch, which had filed legal action against the EPA in 2017. The agency had previously rejected a request to ban fluoridation chemicals from public water supplies. The plaintiffs argued that adding fluoride to prevent tooth decay could harm children’s brain development.

During the non-jury trial, a link was found between fluoride and lower IQ scores in children, which requires a regulatory response under the Toxic Substances Control Act. Judge Chen, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, acknowledged the evidence of danger but stressed that he was not confirming with certainty that fluoridated water poses a public health threat.

The ruling was welcomed by the plaintiffs. Michael Connett, the interest groups’ attorney, expressed optimism about improved fluoride standards in the future. The EPA is currently reviewing the court’s decision.

Water fluoridation in the United States began in 1945 and has been adjusted over time. The recommended fluoride concentration is now 0.7 milligrams per liter to minimize tooth damage and other risks. About 75% of the U.S. population has access to fluoridated water. This practice is voluntary for communities and is supported by many health experts because of its benefits for dental health, especially in children. This is in contrast to Europe, where fluoridated drinking water is uncommon.

Reuters contributed to this article.

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