
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Despite dieting: Which types of cheese are low in calories?

Despite dieting: Which types of cheese are low in calories?

Fortunately, there are numerous types of cheese that can be included in a healthy diet. Here are some low-calorie favorites that you can enjoy knowing you’re good at eating:

  • Grainy cream cheese: 65 kcal per 100 grams
  • Layered cheese: 80 kcal
  • Cottage cheese: 91 kcal
  • Harzer cheese: 113 kcal
  • Ziger: 124 kcal
  • Hand cheese: 125 kcal
  • Sour milk cheese: 126 kcal
  • Cooked cheese: 131 kcal
  • Ricotta: 174 kcal
  • Shepherd’s cheese: 209 kcal
  • Feta: 210 kcal

A small change can have a big impact: for example, swap the high-calorie Gouda (364 kcal) for feta (210 kcal) in casseroles or pizza. Feta is also a more calorie-conscious choice in salads compared to mozzarella (300 kcal). For breakfast bread, cottage cheese (91 kcal) is an excellent alternative to conventional cream cheese (340 kcal).

You should only enjoy these cheeses in moderation

Some types of cheese are best avoided when dieting or following a calorie-conscious diet. Halloumi with 495 kcal per 100 grams and Gjetost with 466 kcal are among the most calorie-rich cheeses. Mascarpone (460 kcal), Parmesan (431 kcal) and Gruyère (421 kcal) are also among the top calorie-rich cheeses.