
topicnews · September 26, 2024

TCL turns 50

TCL turns 50

The TCL recently celebrated its anniversary in the Schlossscheuer with around 140 members, friends and guests. First chairman Reinhold Maier and second chairman Fabian Sauter hosted the evening.

Former first chairmen/founding members had anecdotes from 50 years of TCL history at hand. Mayor Roland Tralmer thanked the founding members for their commitment.

Many successes were celebrated both in sport and in society, but above all, emphasized Reinhold Maier, the greatest success was that the TCL still exists after 50 years. This was the success of all the volunteers. The TCL could be proud of this.

Increasing membership numbers

The TCL is not experiencing a decline in membership numbers, quite the opposite. Maier says the aim is to continue to promote volunteer work.

The foundation stone of the association was laid by the founding members Dieter Kirschbaum, Albrecht Maute, Roland Mey, Werner Storz, Fritz Weinmann, Alexander Oswald and Helmut Sauer in December 1974. Roland Mey looked back on the founding.

At that time, after the decision was made to establish the tennis club and find suitable building land, the goal was to reach at least 100 members. Like-minded people from all surrounding towns joined the club, which was then founded as the Eyach Tennis Club.

A lot of personal effort

The second chairman in the club’s history, Heinz Wiedler, who led the club from 1985 to 1995, reported on the time of the tennis boom, when a membership freeze had to be imposed at 350 members. With a lot of personal effort, the existing three courts were expanded by two more. In addition, the club was renamed from Tennis Club Eyach to Tennis Club Lautlingen in 1985.

Paul Gscheidle, Chairman from 2001 to 2013, recalled in a letter many wonderful moments and experiences during the twelve years he was on the board. He particularly pointed out the enormous growth in the children and youth sector.

Knut Mayer, first chairman from 2013 to 2018, thanked the founding members for the idea and founding of the club and, in a review of 1974, reported on events from that year and what, in contrast to the TCL, no longer exists. He does not regret for a minute having been on the board of “this great club”.

Challenges mastered

Maier and Sauter looked back on Jörg Müller’s board of directors and the past few years and concluded that they had experienced a lot together and mastered challenges. In the recent past, digitization has been driven forward by a digital court booking system and social media presence. Maier and Sauter will continue to focus on offers for all members, both active and in popular sports, and, as in the past, on promoting children and young people.

Mayor Roland Tralmer confirmed that the TCL is a permanent fixture in the club landscape of the city of Albstadt and emphasized that clubs like the TCL help ensure that values ​​such as fairness and respect are lived and passed on.

An integral part of the community

Rolf Nickel, President of the Zollernalb Sports Association, was also enthusiastic about what the TCL has to offer, especially about the fact that the TCL was one of the first clubs to implement a prevention and protection program for children, which was examined by the Württemberg Sports Youth Association and the Youth Welfare Office.

Sven Streich thanked the TCL on behalf of the local council and the Lautlingen local administration for their commitment. The TCL is more than just a sports club and an integral part of the community. Maier and Sauter thanked the members, the volunteers and the sponsors of the TCL for their years of support and loyalty. One thing has not changed in 50 years: the focus on having fun playing tennis, on a good community and strong cohesion. After the official part, everyone ate together and celebrated into the night with musical accompaniment from the band “Together Again”.