
topicnews · September 26, 2024

Cottbus Crayfish win LEAG as new main sponsor

Cottbus Crayfish win LEAG as new main sponsor

The 2024 American football season of the Cottbus Crayfish is over, and planning for 2025 is already in full swing. On September 7, at the home game against the Düsseldorf Panther, the club signed a contract with Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG) as its new main sponsor. The exact contract details remain confidential, but the long-term partnership is intended to enable sustainable cooperation. With this step, the Crayfish want to act in a future-proof manner both in terms of sport and economy.

The Cottbus Crayfish states:

The 2024 American football season of the Cottbus Crayfish has come to an end, and planning and preparations for the upcoming 2025 season are already in full swing. But the club is not only concerned with the sporting future: As of October 2024, Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG) will be the new main sponsor of the Crayfish. The contract between the Lausitz energy company and the Lausitz football team was signed during the home game against the Düsseldorf Panther on September 7, 2024, to great applause from the fans in the stadium. Both parties agreed to keep the exact details of the contract confidential, but the long-term nature of the partnership gives hope for a sustainable collaboration.

The Crayfish are delighted to have the support of such an important regional company as LEAG. The company is one of the top 5 electricity producers in Germany and, with around 7,000 employees, is not only one of the largest employers, but also one of the most important trainers in the region. LEAG’s commitment to the current transformation of the energy sector is particularly noteworthy. As part of the energy transition, the company is focusing on climate-friendly, sustainable and renewable energies and is playing a key role in the reorientation of energy supplies in Germany and Europe. With this partnership, the Cottbus Crayfish are positioning themselves not only in sporting terms, but also economically for the future and are looking forward to the coming years of working with a responsible partner who plays an important role for the region. The Crayfish family continues to grow – with LEAG at their side.

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