
topicnews · September 27, 2024

Stars and ex-stars at the start – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Stars and ex-stars at the start – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Einsiedeln. Published on September 24, 1999. Top-class names from sports and politics promise an extremely attractive and exciting third celebrity race, which will take place on Saturday evening at the start of the Einsiedler Iron Bike Race. Above all, there is the incredibly successful Formula 3 driver Marcel Fässler (Gross), who won another race last weekend in Oschersleben and is therefore in third place in the overall standings. Snowboarder Anita Schwaller has an even bigger palmares, although her season is only just beginning again. She also describes biking as one of her hobbies and will therefore probably want to have a say in the top places on this Americaine. Of course, this is also what the local cracks have in mind, including the ski jumper Andreas Küttel, the previously very successful Martina Fuchs-Schönbächler and cycling elite amateur Adrian Iten. But well-known political figures also try their luck at this shower-friendly event, the destination of which is the marquee on Brüelplatz. Government Councilor Kurt Zibung, Cantonal Councilor Urs Vögtli and the two National Council candidates Maya Lalive d’Epinay and Adrian Kennel have now registered. On Sunday, the local team “Glüeni’s Iron Bike Race Team (photo) and another 200 hermits will attempt the 3rd Iron Bike Race.

Einsiedeln. Published on September 27, 1974. A cosmopolitan teacher who knows the value of object lessons took the opportunity to enroll his young group in the monastery, where a weather observation station can be found in the retreat’s vegetable garden. Brother Konrad Hinder, OSB, explained the task of his office with warmth and greater expertise. A collecting vessel with a precisely known opening collects the falling rain; its contents are then poured daily into a smaller, taller measuring glass. The scale is designed so that the distance between the lines corresponds to an amount of water of 1 mm per square meter in larger dishes. This results in the annual amount of rain from day to day and month to month, and the comparison of the years most likely turns the weather observer into a weather prophet. In our country, summer is always wetter than winter, more rain can always be expected in the higher Oberiberg (average 1914 mm) than in Einsiedeln (average 1652), in Zurich below it is only 1128 mm.

Einsiedeln. Published on September 27, 1949. Last Saturday/Sunday our scouts had their big day. They had to organize the Schwyz Scout Day. Towards Saturday evening, around 150 scouts marched through the village streets with the flowing sound of drums and clairon playing. The little Wölfli and the big Rovers were all there. When it was already dark, we found ourselves at the campfire behind the large cross in the monastery forest. With the singing of songs and the sound of the hand organ, games and funny performances from the various departments, the evening quickly ends. Sunday saw the cheerful crowd reunited for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and then to happy work. After the volley, the large detachment marched down the village at a brisk pace.

Livestock exhibition and livestock market in Einsiedeln

Einsiedeln. Published on September 20, 1924. The exhibition begins at half past nine. Show cattle that are not in the specific places listed by 9:30 a.m. are not entitled to be considered for the award. When they are brought in, the exhibition cattle must be sorted out into the sub-sections according to species and age and tied to the marked pens. Livestock that does not belong to the Einsiedeln exhibition district may not be taken to the exhibition area, but only to the market square opposite. Forms, which must be kept ready when the premium lists are recorded and are intended to provide information about the species, age and name of the animal, as well as the address of the ear tag, the breeding book number and the cooperative symbol, can be obtained from the livestock inspectors of the relevant inspectorate districts. They are kept available to the village’s livestock owners by Mr. Runner Benedikt Lienert.