
topicnews · September 27, 2024

Weightlifting: Perfect start for the Germanen LL team into the 2024/25 season – Leimen-Lokal

Weightlifting: Perfect start for the Germanen LL team into the 2024/25 season – Leimen-Lokal

Teutons win in Ladenburg with 257.8: 255.9 relative and 2:1 rating points.

(bö – 9/27/24) Premiere (Elli Svatek) and re-entry (Maurice Lambrecht), it couldn’t have started better, because these two offered a strong performance in this competition and Elli (68.0 relative) also became the best lifter of the Teutons that evening and Maurice was hardly inferior with a successful 52.6.

Signal for everyone else that these strong performances should be matched. Justus Ruffert reached the 100 kg mark in the clean and jerk (48.0 relative) and Alexander Behm was also able to surpass the 100 kg mark in the clean and jerk for the first time in a competition, twice with 103 kg (2nd attempt) and 105 kg (3rd attempt). Attempt 26.6 Relative). The icing on the cake came from Theo Beimel with 228 kg in the duel and 46.6 relative, while Tarik Kurtovic, who with 6 valid (alongside Justus Ruffert) remained flawless, showed that there was still room for improvement with him was likely to be.

A unified team performance and perfect improvements, what more could you want. Your local internet newspaper for Leimen, Nußloch, Sandhausen

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