
topicnews · September 27, 2024

39 new tennis courts planned – Controversial Wimbledon expansion receives approval – Sport

39 new tennis courts planned – Controversial Wimbledon expansion receives approval – Sport

London (dpa) – The controversial expansion of the tennis facility in Wimbledon Park can go ahead as planned. Plans by the All England Club, host of the legendary Grand Slam tournament, to build 39 new tennis courts on protected land were given the green light on Friday. Among other things, a new show area with 8,000 seats is planned. The usual area of ​​the classic lawn would quickly be tripled.

Deputy mayor sees big benefits

London’s deputy mayor Jules Pipe approved the project after the Greater London Authority (GLA), which is responsible for planning, had previously made a recommendation for the project. The benefits for the Wimbledon tournament and the surrounding area outweigh them, said Pipe, justifying the decision. Opponents of the project fear damage to the environment.

Opponents could go to court

According to a report in the Guardian, it is not yet certain whether the expansion will actually be carried out after approval. That’s because opponents of the project, including many local residents, can demand a judicial review and possibly submit the plans to the Supreme Court. There were protests against the expansion in Wimbledon around the tournament in the summer.

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